
I'm late to the party here, but your writings have reinforced my beliefs, and given me the reasoning behind my beliefs that must have been sitting in my subconscious all the time, and couldn't get out.
Like I knew for some reason never to use "hand sanitiser" as it would interfere with my immune system.
I have never had the flu, the last cold i had 20 years ago, if i feel a bit shite, i follow the same trusted method, I don 3/4 layers of clothing and go to bed and "sweat it out" I don't know why or how but next day I am back to normal!!

keep up the good work and thank youThanks to @frot for mentioning your name in one of his outstanding writings. I am now an ardent follower and lover of your work @active-truth

Thankyou, I'm so glad to have been a catalyst to your thoughts and doubts. It's great when all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place and what's really great is killing the fear.

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👍 ♥️

It worked!

drawn in like a moth to a flame!!

I took back control of my life quite a few years back now, I have seen first hand how the medical system and pharmaceutical companies really operated and how they have created more disease and dependency. It is all about creating customers.
Really happy to connect with like minded people on here. Keep up the great work @active-truth xxxx

Thankyou, this post is for those not yet in the know. Glad you're with us. xx

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Thanks for your articles, they are a beacon in a sea of misinformation. And nobody is more mind controlled and spreading the lies more than most doctors. Well, politicians are, but doctors are trusted like gods.

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doctors have always been treated like demons in my life ;-)

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Nearly 20 years ago when doctors told me I must do as they said or I would be dead within a year, thankfully even then I knew just enough to tell them to fuck off.

If I had done what they said I would not be writing this!

thank God you told em to fuck off right!! Their voodoo didn't work on you.

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In 2002, I had already spent 4 years on the internet researching health (back when a huge portion of the internet was cutting edge content) - so when I found out why I felt so bloody terrible (a golf ball sized brain tumour) I knew I had two choices, lamb to the slaughter, or heal myself.

On the other side of the coin, in 2012, when my leg was really messed up from an accident, a surgeon did an amazing job rebuilding it. I'm very grateful for that.

Good as new!


Yes there is no doubt that surgery and some surgeons are the good part of modern medicine. Problems occur when they oversell it tho. Yes it's needed in certain cases and mostly very well done these days. Normal illnesses and maladies tho, they have NO CLUE and are best avoided.

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Is that your leg? Wow, you must have had a pretty bad accident. I am glad you recovered and had a good surgeon. Yes, surgery can be quite effective and giving back some of the quality of the life before the illness.

My relative has had several bypasses and reports how much better he is since then. But of course there are such and such stories in this field too. An elderly client whom I counseled for many years suffered from unspeakable pain after a back operation and a doctor had signalled to him that the operation had been performed incorrectly.

Thank you for mentioning your other illness, plus something that probably scares most people a lot. It is important to learn that apart from modern medicine, those who reject it do not die but find ways to overcome what is now commonly accepted as a death sentence.

I am glad having found this little group, I know not much people in real life who share my notions in this regard.

I always do my own intial research before heading to doctors. The pharmacist though is kind of our family doctor, well known. So I don’t hesitate or always care to check. But yea its important to do your own research for sure. With an era overflowed with experts in every field, every street and online. Its easy to fall for the trap.

Also, I recommend you to please also include references to the images you have used, if they are not your own.

Best Wishes

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all the images bar two are just from online image searches, only for esthetics not for illustration. If you are going to doctors OR pharmacists at all you are still doing it wrong I'm afraid. You are exactly the sort of person who needs to read the trilogy posted in this post.

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Thank you for the pieces of information......we really need to unlearn some lies we have been fed by them in the past in order to learn new things by research....@active-truth

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That is exactly what I meant yes, you get it. Thankyou deeptess

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I often feel you are a sister in spirit for me. A very clear and good text, thank you. I probably will take my time in reading the book.

I didn't do this extensive research, just carried my convictions with me. You have the better results and arguments, something, people demand.

Never went often to the doctors and when I did, I came back dissatisfied and angry. So I stopped being a patient.

Many years ago I had a bad sinusitis and it didn't go away. Different Antibiotics = zero effect. It was becoming chronic and the doc told me, I would probably need a surgery. When I heard that, I got better out of fear! LOL.

Some years later I met someone on a weekend trip and he told me whenever my nose and forehead gets stuffed that I should do rinses with sea salt and water. I did as instructed and have never had a sinus infection since. I also had my son regularly treat his cold with it, just as we often inhaled with hot steam.

My son never took antibiotics in his life. When he coughed, I rubbed his chest and put sage leaves on it.
Basically, however, I was convinced that the whole thing would have passed just as quickly without any treatment from me. I did it because of motherly care and also because it does every sick person good to be cared for.

Fever and sweating things out was and will be the best cure for me. It happened some times in the past years and I would never have gotten the idea that it was endangering my life. Yes, I felt miserable like hell but compared to the times I feel well, I can accept that there are times of being weak and sick. I mean, how could we even make the difference? I don't get it that people avoid becoming sick. It's not to be avoided, after all.

Thankyou sister ;-) we do seem to have similar sounding journeys, I took my son to hrystal therapy and reflexology for his asthma and it worked wonders, tho it was expensive. It's sad (and telling) that in uk only modern medicine is free anything else you gotta pay for.

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