Knowing what to post about and finding the time to do it

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Where do you find the time?


We all post to the Hive blockchain regularly, some of us every day, and some even multiple times a day. Many of the daily posters also post in a very engaging way, covering off many ideas and points within a single post, with tastefully chosen images to convey the message that they are looking to portray to those that will read it. These posts take time to put together and often take some research or pre planning, so my questions to you are:

when do you post?

How do you post? Mobile/laptop/tablet? Hive front end or another?

I'll answer these questions for myself now, to get things going. I have no real set time to post, and will post when ever some spare time reveals itself, but with three young kids, a wife, a dog, a job, golf, soccer and a large extended family, spare time does not reveal itself all that often! However, as you'll have gotten to know by now, I am a glass half full type of a person and as such, I'll always look for a positive if there is one to be found. One good example is my early rising kids, they often wake up at 6am, 6:30am or 6:45am if we're lucky. My wife or I will get up to make them breakfast etc, allowing the other to catch a few more Zsss. So when it is my turn to get up with them, I get their breakfast ready and when the morning chat and questions are all sorted and the boys are grazing on their breakfast, I either start thinking about what I might post about or even make a start on the post itself.

Sometimes, I'll get the post signed, sealed and delivered before I start work at approx. 8am, which is a real bonus, when it happens, as you almost feel like you are getting a day off. Sure, I could take a day off whenever I like, but now that I have a streak of over 50 days of consecutive posts going, I want to keep it going for another while, as the habit is well and truly formed now and I actually really enjoy posting and hearing feedback from my friends, as well as randomers on here. There are other days of course when work, the kids, my job and all sorts of other things that can pop up on any given day, can mean that I am staying up until between 10:30pm and midnight to get that post in. One thing I try to never do as well is sacrifice quality. It took me a long time to build up a following and support here on Hive, so compromising on quality won't be something that I will entertain. I'll only post about things which I think people may want to read and will always try to put some structure into the post and spend some time writing and thinking as I go. My god, that was long winded!

Ok, so I'll try to be a bit more direct and to the point while answering the other query around how I post. I'd say these days it is 95% on my my mobile and I always use the front end, even though I have heard people raving about the other options and how good they are, but for me, it's not broken and I know my way around this platform just fine at this stage, so this is what I use. However, I'm always interesting in hearing your thoughts and have got countless top steers over the months and years from many of you and how to tag certain sidechains, how Splinterlands works and loads more. There's no community like Hive - you are pure sound the lot of you!

What to post about


Ok, so you've etched out the time to post, the kids are asleep, the other half is gone for a walk and you've an hour to kill. Time to jump on Hive and post about something useful or interesting or share a great day out or dish you've just made. I used to struggle for ideas on what to post about when I first started to blog on the blockchain, but now because I post regularly, I always have something to share. One thing that help me is that there are two days every week where I don't have to think about the subject matter, as it is predetermined, instead, I just need to think about the content itself. I am talking about Tuesdays and Saturdays. Every Tuesday I choose 3 songs to share with everyone for Three Tune Tuesday something I started myself over six months ago and every Saturday I write a post about beer for #beersaturday, which is a really cool hangout that @detlev started over 4 years ago - I mostly do beer reviews on IPAs or other beers I have tasted over the weekend. Come and join us this Saturday or any Saturday - it's always fun and @detlev even gives out prizes of beer token, liquid Hive, amongst other things, which is brilliant.

What that means is that I have only 5 days in the week where I need to think about something to post about. One day a month will be Hive Pud day, so that's another one sorted and I try my best to support @cryptoandcoffee and the guys and gals at #sportstalksocial with one post per week (sometimes it goes 10 day or 2 weeks, but I try my best) The other posts can be about just about anything, but I often take inspiration from my photo reel, which can mean posts about my dog, days out with the family, golf misadventures, foodie posts, science posts, finance posts for Leo finance - the list goes on and on.

Engagement really matters


I remember reading this at the very start and it is as true today as it ever was and anyone starting out needs to make as much meaningful engagement as they can. This will mean reading a lot, so be ready for that. Don't drop in bullshit comments like "Great read" or "Excellent post", instead write a few lines or better still a few paragraphs about something specific in the post or ask a relevant question or make a good and useful observation. These interactions are much more important in the early days, so that people might follow you or jump over to your page to see what you are all about.

So, if you are reading this now and you are early in your journey, remember to build up the engagement first and forget about posting loads, as chances are even if you've written a contender for the Booker prize, you'll only get a smidgeen (read small, that's a Galwayism!) of upvotes, as the harsh truth is that in those early days you are largely invisible unless you are very lucky and an Orca or Whale spots your post and gives you a good boost from an upvote. Instead work on removing that cloak of invisibility through interacting with others on their posts or on discord.

That's it for today, stay safe

The images used are not my own and the following are the sources:

Peace Out



Hi, I've been with HIVE for a few months, but I'm just now taking the platform more seriously. It's a shame the POB value is so low, but I'm trying to make up for it with a lot of engagement and creating quality posts, I still need to improve a lot in choosing images, but I feel I'm doing fine with formatting my texts.
I would like you to take a look at my content, I really liked his way of writing and I identified with him, I also have a family and I know what this routine of waking up, preparing breakfast, going to work etc is is.

Hi, thanks for the kind words, I like your content and it is clear that you are not lazy about it and take your time to write enough to convey some good and interesting messages. Some advise would be to use a couple more pictures (use as they have loads and they are copyright free) and also maybe look to use some headings to break up the post. This can be used by placing a # before the words or ## for smaller heading or ### smaller again

One hash

Two hashes

Three hashes

This can give nice structure to your post, as you already have good content. Also never compromise on quality and keep the engagement up. You are definitely going in the right direction, well done.

No doubt that your time management is really great. I use my laptop and smartphone to make post and I try to post several contents in several platform including and I would love to use my time wisely and write quality contents to reach more people.

Thanks @shohana1, ya I am pretty good with the time management in fairness, I rarely have any idle time and I am always doing something. That has pros and cons though, as I read a very interesting post here on Hive recently explaining the importance of down time and to give your body and mind some downtime as well, so whenever I walk the dog, I try to give myself that mental break as much as I can.

Thanks for answering the questions as well, so you are quite like me it seems - which other front ends do you use other than

You really have a dedicated schedule.

I try to post about things that interest me. I use prep for posts as opportunities to research a topic and share it with the community. Usually something blockchain related. For that reason i don't post every day.
I used to post on a lot of competitions like beersaturday. I find them a great way to engage and also to find material to post.

You have some great advice in this post and give me food for thought.

Thanks for stopping by @eroche, a fellow Irish head I see 👍

Ya, the schedule is always pretty dedicated my end, but to be fair I'm someone who likes being busy and the Hive posting is enjoyable and lucrative. I believe Hive has huge potential as well, so it's time well spent.

Agreed, definately time well spent. It's always good too to bump into more Irish people on hive. 👍

I literally could post about 10 posts a day if I was really doing my flow, thats how I am on instagram and fb lol I know it's not really conducive to getting followers etc because they like consistency and 1 -3 posts a day but if I was truly being authentic to myself I would post about 8 times a day then have a week of posting nothing at all lol because that is how I tend to work I either do multiple things like edit some photos, do some art, make some raw vegan food, meditate and collect my thoughts every day. I am ALWAYS taking photos and sharing them in the moment, my camera is constantly full and I always have to delete to even take pictures. It is just who I am as a person I actually have to hold myself back constantly because this platform gives rewards and it think ppl get pissed if you post more than three times a day. I think some people are just more planned people who make sure they are ready when they post, I am just a very flow person who does something and shares it in the moment. I notice people make a lot of judgments of all kinds about how people post, because they are a certain way, so they assume everyone else's intentions and motives are the same as theirs, or their way of being is the same.

Wow, great comment. Thanks for the engagement. Yes, I hear you regarding flow, I'm also a flow person, but these days I'm on a great streak of posting daily, so I'll continue to keep that going for as long as I can. I rarely use Facebook anymore and never used Instagram, all my conversations that are digital happen on Whatsapp.

I think one post a day is great, thats the kind of consistency people love. I am more like 100 posts a day then 0 haha I do try and hold things back so it can be more consistent but It's so much better to be able to post as you take them when it's fresh. I keep trying to get off fb, my 30 day ban for sharing a quote from a mask study is helping ! lol

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot @qurator and @ewkaw 👍