Offend a woman and face the aftermath

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


Hmm. Sincerely, should I say my pen is shaking while I am even writing this? Maybe I should sit beside a woman so I would get the courage to write to the end. Lol

And I advise you reading this, go find a woman by your side so you can read to the end. Lol. 😆😆😆

(I am not saying you should go and sit beside someone else woman) Unless, you face the consequence.🤣🤣🤣

Women are creatures that God created to play a significant role in the life of man and humanity at large!. Women are mothers to men, they are wives to men, they are sisters to men, and also daughters to men. So I would say they are to be respected, valued, and admired, honored, cared for, adored, appreciated, loved, and give intimate attention to.

Some men are the ones digging their pit and fall in it, then, later on, put out their blames on others. Who is to be blamed for their own mistakes??.

I was in a chat with someone and he told me

“Make your woman happy and you enjoy the rest of your life.”

I gave this a thought and compared it with some real-life scenarios I have experienced, then I realized that when one makes his woman happy then you would even have a longer life and a happy home.

Let me give you this fictional character as a sample to know the wrath that could be caused by a woman.


There is this man who always feels himself, he is always like a soldier at home, too much action, always boring and even possessing some strange attitude at times, when he comes in he would scare her and always beat her mercilessly. But she would always have patience with him and never say a word. He thinks he can cheat her, sometimes he would come home late after spending his little earned amount on him over beers and clubhouse. Then he arrives home drunk and still mistreats his wife.

“He who had no head has a cap and he who had a cap has no head.” Poor him.

He never saw the other side of a woman before, not until he began to speak badly of her, and she couldn't tolerate it anymore. She had to vent out the anger in her, she had been suppressing it too long. Then she decided to show him the true color of a woman and teach him a lesson.

She was around when her husband came home with his fellow drunkard too. He came with the impression of hosting a little party with them. She welcomed them well and attended to them all with the utmost respect. After some minutes she just went to the kitchen and grabbed the bucket soaked with the mixture of dirty water and pepper, poured it all over them, and put the bucket on his head. She packed her luggage and left his useless home then got married to another man who took good care of her and loved her for who she was. And they lived happily.



Every woman is beautiful in their way. Never compare the beauty of your woman to that of others, accept you for who you are, love you, and also care to have you by her side. One thing ladies would always love to hear is to appreciate them for who they are and give them maximum attention.

Women may seem powerless to you, but when it comes to knowledge, wisdom, understanding, behaviors, religious, moral, and social etiquettes of a child it would surely be inherited from the mother, so the kind of woman you marry would surely be the kind of child you plan to have. Men may have their impact as a father to their children but mothers take the highest percentage when it comes to child upbringing.

Age never matters, some do say “age is just a number” when it comes to marriage life. It’s your choice to make and don’t ever let anyone confuse you on your choice to be made, love comes from the heart, some find their love in women who are older than they are, some find in women with the same age as them, while some find it woman they are much older than. It’s a choice and decision for you to make, since you are quite happy with your relationship together then there is nothing stopping from not having her as your woman.

Some men lost the love of their life all because of the age difference, anyways it is quite normal to some cultures and also taboo to some others, so variations in cultural background, ethnicity, and also races all over the world could be a great impact when choosing a woman. But no matter the race, culture, religion, or even family background you came from none of them would preach mistreatment to women.



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First post appeared here

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You really made an educative article bro, of course the power of a woman cannot be underestimated even though they are called the weaker vessels but trust me they have more power even than men, a woman is capable of doing what many men can't when it comes to the matter of women men should really trade with caution because they are poor cannot be underestimated, causing a pain to a woman and actually expecting her not to do anything about it is just like fooling oneself, yes I mean women can go any length just to make sure the return yet when it comes to that they hardly bear pens like men and as such they are very dangerous so they should not be toyed or played with.

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Pouring them pepper, I guess the woman was being lenient with them, they are very capable of greater things....

Your friend was right, make your woman happy and you would have peace of mind with I things added to it.

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