The issue of climate change remain germane and can never be over emphasized. Contrary to your assumption, it is more than just been buss-word and it remain an hot issues being given special attention.Several territory around the world are facing unprecedented drought condition just as the excess water is causing flood. The consequences of this has adversely impact agricultural productiveness and peoples means of lively wood. I will recommend you read further on this from "Intergovernmental panel on climate change" IPCC reports.
The issue of climate change is real and the impact of drought on people's livelihood (plant and animal) is never a joke.
It's a buzz word because too many people think that there is a simple human fix to the problem. People did not create climate change (notice the not-so-subtle switch from global warming to climate change) and humans cannot stop climate change.
I think you are wrong calling the issue of climate a buzz word. Humans may not able to stop climate change just as human is unable to stop COVID-19 and some other viral diseases. But the fact is that the adverse effect and consequence on human livelihood can be mitigated. And scientist are trying every means to achieve this.
So, calling it a buzz word is a misused of words on it own.
Nice reply. Yes things can be done. It's too bad we don't do the simplest first. For instance have groups (corporations with one purpose) buying land in places like the Amazon, Indonesia, the Congo and then doing "nothing" with it.
Personally I think that industrial waste (which doesn't have a one-to-one correlation with global warming / climate change) is a far greater problem.
Yes, Industrial waste is a great problem. It is among the aftermart of anthropogenic activities.