Ground Hog Day Part 2

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So we set the trap and about thirty minutes later we heard it go off. I set two traps: one I put along the wall of my house about 5 feet away from the hole and the other I set right in the hole itself. The ground hog dragged the trap underground. There is a tiny piece of metal you can barely see when my wife zooms in and you follow the chain that's the bottom of the trap. You always want to make sure that your traps are securely anchored down. Not only to keep your bounty from escaping and taking one of your hard earned traps, but it also prevents predators from dragging away your trap as well. In the next video I'm going to be pulling the ground hog out and setting the dog after it. I split this video into two parts because the next part is going to be NSFW.

I also did not realize I was going bald like that until I watched this video. See seconds ten through twenty Lol.

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