"Agriculture shouldn't just be defined with 'tanim-tanim lang' (mere planting), it should be a sector providing the world's necessities." πΎ
As a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture student, that's how I am envisioning Agriculture.
Nowadays, BS Agriculture students have been encountering people who often asked: "what are you doing in your course? Do you only do planting? What will you be in the future, a farmer? Why are you even studying if after you graduate, you'll just be a farmer?"
Admit it or not, but that's how the society sees us, BS Agriculture students. Well, not the general society itself but, their numbers are indeed high. To inform them and even you, guys? We can be more than it, as we can also be a ...
- Plant, Soil and Animal Scientist;
- Entomologist, Plant Pathologist (Doctor), Animal Nutritionist;
- Taxonomist, Horticulturist, Agronomist;
- Agricultural Engineer and Economist;
- Farm Technician, Manager; Statistician;
- More to mention.
Aside from this, we could also run our own farming business of many varieties. Be a grower or raiser of domesticated farm animals and crops. On top of it, we ain't just a BS Agriculture students. We could also be a ...
Also, what's wrong with being a farmer? Have you already experienced to be a gardener? It's enjoyable & fun, right? And, so does being a FARMER. Just imagine this:
"A farmer with 'L. Agr.' at the end of his/her name!" π
That's something that a person could really admire of.
Similar to other degree courses, BS Agriculture isn't as easy as what in this article published in Google has said:
Don't belittle other courses just because yours' is undeniably difficult. There's no courses that's as easy as doing 1, 2, 3 in jeepney, every courses are difficult. Just differ in the level of difficulty~
This Academic Year, I will be on my fourth year in college. Just to let you, guys know? I, @Futureagrcltrst, is ...
"A BS Agriculture student. Major in Crop Protection and specializing in Plant Pathology."
Plant Pathology is simply "the study of plants, plants diseases and their associated pathogens."
What are we doing in here? There's a lot of things to do & remember but first, we MUST ...
- "Know how to distinguish every organisms. Example, bacteria from fungi. Or fungi from virus and so on."
Also, do you know that "germs" and "bacteria" are just the same? So does the "mushrooms" and "fungi." Another trivia ey~
What excites me the most of being a Plant Pathology student? Laboratory gown and microscope. π¬
Just another year of studying, self! You only need to surpass and accomplish your undergraduate thesis and we'll see next if you can make your name like this:
This is actually one of the courses I wanted to study before. It's a cool course with a lot of field work and it's pretty in demand for other countries tbh