My Clean Planet Activity For 21st Day of January || Overcoming Depression

One of the things that is really affecting me and not making me happy is the fact that there is a popular topic that is going on in our society which is Overcoming Depression but it is quite a pity that a whole lot of people even with the fact that the topic of depression is still common, a whole lot of people are still facing it.

This is what a major concern. You will agree with me that at any point of our lives, a whole lot of us have actually faced depression whether we like it or not. It can be because of several causes like probably loss of funds, and most especially when there is loss of loved ones.

Sometimes It can be because of what people say or what they have done. A whole lot of people find it hard to actually recover from their past which keeps hunting them. It results in emotional trauma which at the end of the day can lead to depression.

Depression is a serious case. We keep having a lot of cases of such every day. But it is not beyond what can not be overcome. The first step towards overcoming depression is first of all accepting the fact that you have depression.

Depression is serious. We also need to make sure that the person suffering from depression open up. The reason why a whole lot of people find it hard to overcome depression is because they continue to keep it to themselves.

From my little experience, I have actually come to discover that depression is not something that you silently handle. It will continue to hit you up deep within and which is the reason why one needs to quickly open up.

When you find someone to open up to, it can actually go a long way to help you to overcome it. But when you constantly keep it to yourself. It will continue to be difficult for you to overcome it.

Also most of the time, people who are suffering from depression should learn to heal from their past. No matter what might have been happening to them, they should make sure that they should not always listen to the voice of their past. They should let it go and actually forgone and face the future.

That was all for today. Thanks for stopping by friends. Enjoy your day.












All the images are MINE.

A big thanks to
@cleanplanet for this amazing initiative.


Hello boss

I have discovered that my post is always ignored of curation. At least 3-4 of my post have been ignored of curation so I want to ask

Is there any issue or any fault in my post that I need to correct?
