in CLEAN PLANETyesterday

So far, the week has been a good one. Filled with many ups and downs, but, strongly, I have navigated through the harsh terrain and I'm here.

A childs development is something parents need to pay utmost attention to. It breaks my heart to see that some parents don't understand this very well.

Children are the future of this planet. Wether it gets better, or wether it goes down in doom, all depends on the fate of the children that we train now.

Sometimes, when the child goes astray and does what is not good to the society, the society tend to blame the mother for the childs misbehavior, even though he or she was properly taken care of.
On the other hand, if the child turns to be a good person in the village or society, fathers tend to be the ones to receive all the praises.

Not only mothers, but both parents needs to put their heads together, to properly train their child in a good path.
There are many factors that may make a child go astray, factors such as friends, peers in general. Parents t be sure to look into the type of friends that their children keeps. Make sure to be selective and strict with the friends they keep, so as not to be influenced to do what is not right.

When it comes to children, the statement; "I am busy, you take care of them," should be far from our mouths. Harmoniously and in team work, show the child exclusive love, make them happy and scold or use the rod when necessary while explaining the reasons you used the rod. Flog with love, and not with hatred.









