in CLEAN PLANET3 months ago

"One man for a woman."
I guess you have heard this phrase somewhere, or have probably seen it somewhere before.

What do you think I means? Is it just one man for a woman, or does it also mean "one woman for a man."

You know, we are humans, people say that men are polygamous in nature, meaning that they can go around, having coitus with lots of women, but still feel nothing for these women. Good, calm, and cool, but then, when a woman goes around, doing that same thing with other men, it becomes a taboo.

It's a good thing, women take care of the family, the kids, the house chores, basically, cook and clean, and the men, they too are not seating idly by. They provide, protect and elevate the family. Calm.

However, in the midst of all these struggles, children disturbance, hustling for finances, cooking and cleaning and all that, the only good thing both spouse can do for each other is to respect each other enough to remain faithful to themselves.

Because the man cheats, then, you want to get back at him by cheating too? Welp, smart move but at the expense of your marriage, and at the expense of your children having a normal life with both parents.

Be smart, settle cases instead of escalate them. It doesn't matter who's at fault, but your reaction matters a lot.












Hello @nwothini335 ,

Very good !!
You have made a very good post. I would like to tell you that your post looks very attractive from the photos you have placed in your post. You are doing the work of Clean Planet very well.
Stay connected!!

thank you for your fine comments

I enjoyed your write up. this is indeed one of the issues that breaks so many marriages today. Well done

its high time most couples understand it and start working on themselves

Exactly....well said.