welcome to my blog.
I am actually very thrilled today because I had a fun filled day,compared to the unpleasant experience I had the last time I went for clean up.Hello Friends @cleanplanet community.
Infact at this moment I started.. blushing..😜 You know what I am saying ....😂Immediately I stepped out of my compound, into the streets of olaogun with my cleaning equipmentsto engage in my @cleanplanet exercise and started picking up trash and all sorts of dirts.I heard voices calling me and hailing me, saying "well done madam" not quite long yet another person passed by and said the same words," well done ma'am" and that was how it continued until I was able to clean through all that street of olaogun without any form of harassment or bullying.
I believe their are two types of cleaners. Those who clean (1)consciously and those who clean (2) unconsciously.
The conscious cleaners are those who are aware of their responsibilities and take it up as a duty to clean and keep their surroundings and environment sparkling clean.They maintain a high standard of cleanliness and take their personal hygiene as paramount in their life.Yes ...it is no child's Play.They are also aware that dirty environment breeds mosquitoes and other Insects that causes malaria and other serious infections.That is the category of people I fall in.
The unconscious cleaners are those who encourage you while working and cleaning but they do not join you or take part in the cleaning activity and they will be like, " well done oo"and immediately go their own way.That is the category of people those who were calling and hailing me falls.
I was really encouraged today and that encouragement got me fired up and relaxed while cleaning.I do not have to start looking around for boys that are trouble shooters. Infact the people of olaogun are really peaceful and accommodating, they made me feel calm and welcomed as I engage in @cleanplanet community exercise.
Here are the photos of my activities today.
I had such a calm day today and I am glad to share my experience with my friends in @cleanplanet community. Thank you @cleanplanet for this opportunity. Engaging in clean planet as given so much exciting experiences to keep in mind.please drop in your comments.Love you all.
Thanks alot
thanks alot @suraiya.