in CLEAN PLANET16 hours ago

One of the missing link in the present reality of life is sincerity. It would interest you to note that out of every 10persons it's rare to find at least three that are sincere. Even though this is not proven by any text but its my personal assertion owing to the fact of the kind of the society we have at a moment.

I consisder sincerity as an act of being truthful and honest to anything no matter how it is. Sincerity pave way for greatness and open doors for uncommon doors of favour. I would like to share little of what happened and conclude with the benefits of sincerity.

A young lad that I know was asked to perform a task at a particular time and a particular place refused to do the needful but went ahead and postulated some lies that would exonerate him from performing the task. When the superior authority noticed this act of insincerity, they sack him from the place of work.
This continue ti keep him siege for a long time and made his life miserable because most organisations refused to pick him for any job in their company.
Later when he realised his weaknesses, he went and apologize to the management.

One of the benefits of sincerity is that it makes one sought after. This young lad never knew that insincerity could tarnish his reputation. Immediately he came to the realisation of himself, he took a transformative step that unlock and restored his destiny again.

Be sincere and accountable.
I was able to do my cleaning activity for today and here are the pictures;

Thanks @solarisfuture @cleanyourcity