in CLEAN PLANET2 months ago

One of the major thing to be considered this year is the area of finance. The big question is how was your financial life last year? What was your financial goals and aspirations last year? Are you satisfied?
In this post, i intend to share practically how we can manage our finances and achieve some results.

We are living in a critical moment where things are getting very difficult. It would interest you to know even to feed now is a challenge for most people. I have heard of many parents that changed their children's school due to the increase in school fees and means of livelihood is becoming unbearable for them.

Haven considered the flight of things especially in my lovely country Nigeria, i was inspired to drop some few thoughts on how we can be more productive and efficient in our finances especially this new year. Over the years i have been consistent in maintaining my financial life. Some people used to think as if i an extremist but is the way of preserving my finances. I have learnt this from my mentor who is truly a living epistle for me.

One of the ways to sustain a good financial life is to have a plan. Every amount of money that comes or before it comes should be properly planed for. Have a scale of preference and ensure you make provision for shavings. Above all be consistent in whatever you do. Have a multiple source of income, this would really help to cushion some effects.

Have a superb year and a good financial life.

Here is my cleaning activity for today.

Thanks @solarisfuture @cleanyourcity


Thanks for the update