It Is That Time of Year Again

Hello Friends!

Welcome to another Monochrome Monday

Well it is that time of year again where our local, giant Paul Bunyan has exchanged carrying his ax for a Christmas tree!



Funny how some eggnog in this holiday glass makes for a au natural monochrome shot lol.


According to the community page, the Colour/ Black and White Community is a place for those who like to post both color and black and white versions of the same shot. It was started and curated by @daveks and is a lot of fun for me because I have always enjoyed monos as well as color shots.


A dusting of snow on the lawn at night...


I really enjoy this Colour/Black and White Community. Come on and join the fun, you know you want to!!





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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Did you run back to Michigan? Im pretty sure Virginia had no snow, nor Paul Bunyan.

I like the eggnog shot.

Oh yeah back home for a bit. I have a lot more stuff to move and a lot of work to do on both places :( Not to mention I really miss seeing the lake!

I bet you do. Well, when you bought it, you paid to live on the lake. The new house you didn't have, but, in time you will once again, or you will move back to Michigan and be happier for it.

You aren't used to moving about and it is not easy to just pick up after 50 years and think it won't be hard.

You will want to move back to Michigan for a couple of years. If you can survive that, you will be home free. Many people do that same thing when they become snowbirds. My parents did. :)

It becomes harder as you get older and move without knowing anyone. You are friendly (LOL) so it won't be a problem.

I enjoyed looking at these photos. I especially like the photo of the happy green grass blades poking up through the snow.