Strategies to Help Our Children to Optimize Time Management in their Schoolwork

in GEMS3 years ago
Greetings dear fellow members of the "GEMS" community, I hope you are all very well, it is a pleasure to share with you this post, this time I want to present a topic that I consider very important, as is the good time management when performing school activities, during the pandemic we parents have had to lead the school process of our children, and to comply with all their activities often becomes a challenge.

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In my case I am the mother of two children, a two year old girl and a ten year old boy, and during these two school years where the activities are done at home, it has been very difficult to establish a routine and schedules, and this has resulted in delays in the development of school activities, one of the weaknesses is in good time management, my son in particular, is very distracted, it is difficult for him to concentrate when performing his activities. Because of this I decided to investigate some strategies to help me improve this, which I want to share with you, hoping they will be very useful for the next school year.

It is very important to achieve success in this process that parents maintain a respectful and affectionate communication with their children, it is very easy to lose control and patience, so we must keep this in mind, we must know how to manage our emotions and give them that example, this helps greatly in the learning of our children.
Here are some tools that have worked for me:

Set rules that are realistic and congruent, they must be explicit and direct, we must also make known the consequences of not complying with them, and above all we must not lift them because of tiredness or insistence of our children, in this way we will guarantee that it will work.

It is very important to motivate them to be better every day and learn, we must recognize their achievements, this way we will reinforce their self-confidence.

Parents must be committed to the school process of our children, we must review all the planning provided by their teachers and try to do it before starting to work together with the child, so you will have time to look for support material to help with the assignment, it is also very important to maintain good communication with the teacher, this will be very useful when difficulties arise.

Establish a schedule, routines and time for school activities, for rest and distraction, that is practical and balanced, avoiding that the time allocated for study is at night or before bedtime, and that it is not too long.

Pay attention to the space destined to work, it is recommended that it is a clean desk and that it is located in a room with good lighting and fresh air, preferably without television or toys.

Train them to plan, as school activities increase, it is necessary to make a plan that allows them to comply with these, considering the level of difficulty, time required to perform it and the resources needed.

We must supervise them continuously and provide accompaniment in those assignments that present some difficulty, however, the child is the one who must find the solution, the idea is not to do the homework for them.

In conclusion, as parents we are always looking for the best strategies to help us give the best of us and that our children develop, evolve and succeed, but we must keep in mind that each child is different and we must be attentive to what is good for each one.

I hope the information I have presented here is helpful to you, I would like to know your comments about it...thanks for reading!