Financial Movements

in GEMS4 years ago


The economy is an extensive map of strategies that are coupled to trade and any action that allows to obtain resources to continue the development of a company or any specific person; when we look a little constant financial movement that exists in the world, we can observe certain patterns that are met in every common transaction and dating back many years ago, we could name the percentages of profits or benefits that are sought in each exchange action, either monetary or physical products, what is sought is to maintain a constant flow in the marketing of the market.

On the other hand, a scaled development is maintained, according to the market demand, increasing the gross production and of course opening new commercialization areas; everything will depend on the quality and price of the product we offer, since from this we will really know which are the next steps to follow within the financial chain. The financial movements of the commercial market will always start from obtaining the raw material and its subsequent transformation, everything will be anchored to the skill we have as entrepreneurs to find the best market prices, to keep an excellent percentage of profits, thus increasing the accounting profits of the company.

Some of the strategies that are most applied at a financial level, is to find a way to contain the financial crises, making each party involved in the marketing chain, to obtain profits without raising the price of the final product, for this we must begin to study the best areas to place the production plants of our company, An example of this can be seen with the production plants of Nike, Adidas, Samsung, Apple, among other companies, which take their production functions from China, as this allows them to considerably lower the percentages of labor and increase their profits in the subsequent distribution.

In order for a company to grow financially, it must make some of these financial movements that we have mentioned; from lowering its labor costs, to increasing the percentage of profits through the distribution of its product through highly commercial areas, always respecting the economic principles, which will obtain a higher percentage of profit.