I did not really know what falling in love meant back then in my high school, not until I met some girl that really moved my heart. Haha..falling in love with the first girl in your life can really mean to be a very challenging task.
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I was the kind of person that had no interest whatsoever in having a girlfriend. My friends had and they used to talk about girls all the time. They seemed strange to me in the first place as they could spend their time talking about their girlfriends. Anyway, I was still young in the mind and used to spend most of my time playing video games, playing tennis, and also focused on my academics.
I was a day scholar by then. When I was taken to a boarding school for the first time in my life, a lot changed about me. Boarding school life was like a life spent in prison. It was boring, I was literally idle because I had nothing else to spend my leisure time on. The other things I used to spend my time on were cut off when I came to this new school.
I had a friend of mine in the new boarding school that I had joined. Her name was “Kisakye.” She also had another friend of hers in the same school called “Alice”. I was a shy person when it came to relating with girls. I had never corned a girl. Kisakye plotted for me this friend of hers “Alice.” She set her up for me to date her. She would act as the mediator between me and her whereby she would carry love letters from me to her.
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This girl was ahead girl and Coupling was highly prohibited at school. I was a quiet and reserved person I did not want to get myself into girlfriend relationships because I felt like I was not ready for them.
Due to peer influence, I gave in and chose to fall in love with this girl “Alice.” She was a beautiful brown-skinned tender looking girl who really melted my heart whenever I could look at her.
I fall in love with this girl for the very first time in my life. I gave her my whole heart to the extent that I became emotional towards her. I could feel jealous whenever I saw her hanging around other boys in the school.
This relationship was really destructive to my academics. I was a very bright boy but due to this premature relationship I had entered into, my grades deteriorated. I would visit this girl during the holidays and spend my money on her by buying her gifts. She took advantage of the excess love I had for her. She hurt my feelings on various occasions. I had to look for ways of coming out of that relationship.
I finally stepped out of that relationship in my final year of high school for the sake of my academics. I wanted to concentrate on my books and excel in the National examinations. How did I do it? I did it in a very smart way. I just went silent on her and stopped communicating to her the way I used to. I successfully stepped out of that relationship, concentrated, and excelled highly in my final exams.
In conclusion, falling in love for the very first time is a very good thing but also a very challenging task, I, therefore, advise young people to be very careful when it comes to sensitive life matters such as marriage. Marriage is a ministry and a place of high responsibility. A person has to first mature up in mind, spirit, and also in the physical life before considering to start dating for marriage.