Today is Halloween. Blessed Samhain
Above: me by a megalithic dolmen last weekend celebrating an early Halloween. In some Neolithic passage tombs in Ireland are aligned with the sunrise at the time of Samhain
Some days ago I shared my new Halloween musical special "The Lingering Light".
Check it on my previous post here
Blessed Samhain
Today is Celtic New Year in Pagan (and Neopagan) Calendar. An Ancient celebration that is mostly known today as "Halloween"
Above: A doorway opens for the Spirits on Samhain
According to Irish mythology, Samhain (like Bealtaine) allowing both supernatural or departed souls of the dead to come into our world. As Beltaine is a celebration of the living, Samhain (mostly known as All Hallow's Eve or Halloween) is a Feast for the Departed that marks the end of the harvest season as we delve into the dark half of the year. In the northern hemisphere it is held on 1 November but with its celebration on the Eve, 31st of October.
Today is a day to honour our ancestors, and pay tribute to those who have crossed to the other side, those we loved, those we miss. The brilliant autumn colours are fading and leaves falling on the ground leaving the branches bare, but those leaves decaying on the floor will become part of earth in its endless life and decay circle. The air gets colder, the nights darker and longer. Autumn shifts into winter as we learn to let go.
In the 9th century the Church moved the date to "All Saints' Day" to 1 November
Choose your Halloween vibe
Would you like to be the witch in the woods, walk in the misty forest foraging chestnuts and mushrooms? You breath in the smell of the damp forest and feel raindrops falling gently on your face while mist cloaks everything in the distance.
Would you prefer to step into a haunted manor, and cross the fence into the withered garden?
*Shelter of the nameless gods and ghostly shades
the wild moan of wind warns I shall not be dwelt in"
Today they're rising....
Maybe you could join other fellow ghosts and scare away some unwelcome tenants
Of if you're a loner Perhaps you prefer to walk in solitude among ruins now engulfed by Nature
Or become a "familiar" a spirit animal, take flight as a raven, run wild as wolf
But once a year when lights are dim
and candles light sinister grins
the veil is thin
the veil is torn
These are words of my halloween song "Life and Decay"
We step into the dark time of the year, but light never truely extinguishes... ever
How do you celebrate Halloween?
So what have you done for Halloween? Did you celebrate it?
Are there any special customs in your country?
We do not Trick or Treat. In Spain "All Saints Day" is a day to honour the departed.
For me it's been a quiet day, roasting chestnuts on a fire, reading some spooky ghost tales and before I go to bed I will light a candle, and will utter the name of those who I have loved and have travelled beyond, but just as an act of remembrance. I always say aloud the name of all my pets too and for me it's an act of caring, as they come to my heart and mind and I grieve them once more, then to let them go again and get cozy in the warmth of my fond memories.
Because I loved you, love you and will always love you...
If you're in the mood of some Halloween Music remember I have a special playlist here. It includes originals, covers and all the dark music specials done so far.
I also played the harp a little one of the symbols associated with Samhain the harp is considered one of the essential symbols of the journey from the world of the living to the world of the dead.
Good Night my dear souls

Samhain blessings, my friend. May the coming cycles bring blessings and hope. 💖
Thank you my sweet dragon 🐉 princess, these past few years have brought many challenges but learning from them and learning even to let go. Nature is a wise teacher. Catch me on discord one day we can update each other. Blessings
Those are some really great shots! They really fit the mood for this time of year. Most of October has been pretty rainy and dreary for us, so I am really feeling the vibe. I do hope that November is a bit sunnier though! It looks like you had a really great time doing these!
We have missed rain for most summer and autumn which is odd. It almost feels like late Summer, but now temperature drops snd it gets dark soon. I love tea on moody days, snd love mist but not heavy rain if I hike
Oh, you wouldn't like it here. We have gotten almost record rainfall in the month of October It has been pretty much non stop. Now the temps are finally dropping and they are talking about snow for the weekend already.
Oh I love autumn moody rainy days only if I have to be indoors but during the weekends I like to hike. Snow already? Though it is beautiful
Yes it is very beautiful when you don't have anywhere that you need to be!
Yes it sounds cozy if you have a mug of chocolate, but yet again I confess I am an outdoors person and rain only forces me to remain at the studio and work during those days which is an acceptable outcome
This is soooo creeepy!!!
Did you know that's the day I was born?
Lovely haunting track as usual, I hope you're keeping strong! Looking good as also 😁 on the other pics
What a magical date to be born yes I guess I have a creepy side during the dark time of the year I become my ghost self. The previous post was my Halloween special the lingering light it is on the previous on I would be really grateful to know about your opinion. I hope Jackie is recovering well.
Yes Jack is getting stronger by the day, thanks! Ok I will go scroll on your page and check previous Halloweens, which already rings a bell, so I might have see some stuffs!
I still need to make a post about my latest video. I usually don't release video so close to each other but as they were a little it's scary I think they feed best in this time of the year. The official Halloween release is the lingering light which I filmed at an abandoned village bike on the light. About Jack last year I made a cover of the nightmare before Christmas which I am very proud of. I really enjoy making dark music but it is not the most popular content on my channel so it is always nice to receive feedback
Exciting pictures! Thank you for your beautiful work! You standing in the river are so spooky!
wow, scary & spooky
It was spooktober after all, and now witchvember lol 😂 I find those tags funny but people use them. I love spectral haunting literature and legends so I find the dark half if the year very romantic
I have to get onto that train next year, missed all the spooky action 2021.
Seems everybody woke right into Christmas mood, already singing Christmas carols but for some of us Halloween is forever, and jokes apart I have a weakness for the spectral haunting ghostly romantic flair of these theme part of the year, so never late for Halloween just early for next
Spooky romance is pretty exciting. Flirting with a vampire lady or a succubus, a promising night for sure. Christmas is not sexy, it's low volume and chill.
I on the contrary think this dark time of the year is a time instrospection. We do not celebrate Halloween in Spain the way American do, we do not dress up but go to the cemetery to honor our ancestors so it is kind of a sad time what the memories of our departed come to our mind as we remember them there are many traditions traditions like lighting a candle for the spirits to find their way. I really love the romantic and dark nature of this time of the year a moody days unfold
We venture into the dark part of the year herein the northern hemisphere, but as seasons flow, all has a reason, even bare cold winter
Bello y aterrador! Muy bueno!
Muchas gracias y feliz día de todos los santos, honor a nuestros ancestros
Amazing post as usual @yidneth. I learn't some new info about Halloween that I didn't know before <3
Thank you, every year I composed a Halloween special like every year too but it is on previous post. Here in case you want to watch
I love this dark time of the year too, it invites to instrospection. We must remember leaves fall to enrich the earth and soil so it regrowths. That is why samhain is linked to autumn and the quietening of life winter brings
beautiful pictures with halloween theme
Thank you, appreciated