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RE: Let's Talk About Sex & Something. Ep.1: Sex & Religion

in GEMS3 years ago

Well I am not religious at all, you might say I am anti-religious, but I do think that sex can be pretty dangerous for many reasons that are not all religion based. The whole molestation of children by clergy members is enough to mess people up for life, let alone the whole concept of "God is watching you" and "You are a sinner who is going to hell" is enough to completely ruin sex for people. It can be a beautiful thing with people who are respectful and consenting and to have someone try to ruin that because of THEIR beliefs is abhorrent. Marriage is a sham as well but that's a whole other ball of wax. That being said, I am married and happily, but we didn't need the marriage for anything other than a reason to blow thousands of dollars on a grand party. We both agree we wouldn't do it again.

In a nutshell, just love who you love and if they love you back, stick around.


Recently, yeah I agree with the idea of marriage just being a sham. I see it as a reason to party and let everyone publicly know you're supposed to be hooked on that one person forever.

I can understand being "anti-religious".

Yes, and don't forget that it pleases our parents/grandparents.


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