The lost jewelry 💍 đŸ”č đŸ„‡

in GEMS ‱ 3 years ago (edited)

The Chain


“John, I can’t find my chain. I am sure that, I had kept it in the drawer when we went to my sisters' house day before. But, when I came back, it is not there. I don’t know what to tell Appa. It is a ten sovereign chain” said Susan. I could sense the fear in her voice.

I was on my year end vacation to Lagos. This is my second last semester of engineering. I am studying in Hasan College Bangalore. Susan is my paternal aunt and her husband, Kathir is a
Politician in G.R.A, Lagos. Right now, he is a corporation council member and he is the designated candidate for the next TamilNadu assembly elections from his constituency.

Like my father, I hate politics. But, I always enjoyed the extra attention I received wherever I went to Lagos, as my uncle is a politician. Politicians are servants to the people on paper. But, in reality, people are servants to the politicians.

“But Aunty, if you wear ten sovereign chain on your neck, won’t you get neck pain? Why are you keeping a pain on neck?” I couldn’t resist asking.

“I never wanted to wear that. I usually keep it in the drawer most of the time. But, when your uncle’s higher circuit people comes, anything less than 10 sovereign is considered to be a disgrace for the political party” said Susan

Hmmm.. Interesting.. So, it is a ‘Political Chain’, I thought.

“Yeah, after all, if anybody steals it, the thief also must get the benefit for the risk he is taking” I said sarcastically.

“You mean to say, some thief might have stolen it?” asked Susan.

“Look at this ‘G.R.A times’ local news paper. The main news is that. I looked.. “Thieves are roaming in the streets of Kandanchavadi” is the headline.

“Oh My God! But who will dare to steal from a politician’s house? It is like cheating your own kind” Susan was also not bad in sarcasm.

“What should we do now?” I asked.

“Well, first we have to inform uncle. But, he is on the field now. There are lots of compliant from the residents because of the December rain. Rain water has accumulated in the low lying areas and people are stranded. He has gone there in the morning itself. Yesterday, I saw him turning to green after the call with the minister. Obviously, Minister has asked him to do something. So, he has gone to do something” said Susan.

“Give me his number. I will call” I said.

“No point in calling. He will not pick up the call if he is in field. His close friends have gone to their natives. So, I don’t have a number through which I can reach him. You have to go to the rain affected area and meet him directly. If we lose time, the thief may get farther away. Then, your uncle will do ‘Shivathaandavam’ when he gets back” said Susan.

I decided to go. When I reached the spot, I could see almost fourteen to fifteen JCBs were at work. Uncle is standing in the middle of JCBs with a group of white dressed people. There are few small groups of local people standing here and there and talking. My uncle was screaming at the JCB drivers. Most of the road was under water and there are few flats (those were constructed in the middle of the lakes) which has become islands because of water clogging.

At first I didn’t understand anything. All fifteen JCBS were at work. They were digging and making canals here and there. There was no connection between the canals. Some of the canals were getting dug right across the road. There was absolutely no direction on what they are doing. But they kept digging. There was a photographer clicking photos and a local news channel and a videographer was recording the video of the procedure.

I understood the scenario. It is just a political gimmick. My uncle is desperate to show the minister and the people that, he is in the ‘thick’ of the things and doing whatever possible for the people. But the reality is, he is making things worse. Because of uncontrolled digging, the road became useless and now, even trucks cannot pass through the road. With rain, people were isolated for two to three days. Now, because of this digging, people will be isolated for next one month. Politics at its best!!

There is no pointing in airing my opinion. Better to leave politics of “digging” to the politicians. I went near to my uncle and told him the situation at home.

“I told her thousand times to lock the drawer. She never does it. Now, in between serving the people at the time of this calamity, I have to handle problems at my home also” He was shouting at me.

“If a thief can reach to the drawer, what is the use of lock in front of him?” My Engineering logical mind was trying to reason with myself. But, I didn’t raise it as question.

My uncle thought for a minute and then asked me.

“Do you have a photo of the chain on your mobile?”

“I don’t have. But I can ask aunty to WhatsApp that to me” I said.

“Do It now
 “ He instructed.

I called Aunt and she sent me the picture of the chain from one of her photos. I showed the picture to my uncle. He took my phone and forwarded that photo to somebody else. Then he dialed a number from my phone and said.

“I sent you the photo of a chain. It is stolen from my house. I don’t know what will you do or how will you do. I need the chain back by today evening”.

My Engineering logical mind understood that, it must be the police inspector. Then he gave back my phone and said. “Go back home. Tell aunty that, she will get her chain by evening”.

Then he started shouting at the JCB operators again

When I reached back, I saw at least half dozen policemen at my Uncle’s house. They were showing the photos of local thieves to the servants at home and were asking whether they saw any of them near the premises of the house in the last few days. One of the servants identified a thief and said that, he saw him 3 days back. Then the policemen drove off.

At 4:00 PM, the thief in question came to my uncle’s house in disguise. He was wearing Purdah. He straight away went to my aunt and apologized. He has handed over the chain to her and said that, he will go hiding for few days. Else, if the police catch him, they will break all his bones. He requested aunty not to tell anybody that, he came there at least until 6:00 PM so that, he can cover a safe distance and escape.

At 5:00 PM the police inspector came and gave aunty another chain of the same type and same weight. He claimed that, they caught the thief and got the chain from him. He apologized for inconvenience and left. My aunt didn’t tell the policeman that, the thief has already come. She wanted to keep her word to the thief that, she will not reveal it until 6:00 PM.

At 5:45 PM, My Niece came back from college after the X’mas celebrations and she brought back the chain and said “Everybody liked the ethnic gold jewelry”

“But, Aarathy, why didn’t you tell me that, you were wearing it?” asked my aunty.

“It is only for a day. Anyway, I am bringing it back in the evening. When I left, I searched for you. But you were in the garden. So, I left. Why? What happened?” asked Aarathy.

Susan took out the chains which the thief and the police gave her. She kept all three chains together and asked.

“Now, whom do the other two chains belong to?”

I hope you like the story


La cadena


“John, no puedo encontrar mi cadena. Estoy seguro de que lo habĂ­a guardado en el cajĂłn cuando fuimos a casa de mis hermanas el dĂ­a anterior. Pero, cuando volvĂ­, no estaba allĂ­. No sĂ© quĂ© decirle a Appa. Es una cadena de diez soberanos”, dijo Susan. PodĂ­a sentir el miedo en su voz.

Estaba en mis vacaciones de fin de año en Lagos. Este es mi penĂșltimo semestre de ingenierĂ­a. Estoy estudiando en Hasan College Bangalore. Susan es mi tĂ­a paterna y su esposo, Kathir es una
PolĂ­tico en G.R.A, Lagos. En este momento, es miembro del consejo de la corporaciĂłn y es el candidato designado para las prĂłximas elecciones de la asamblea de Tamil Nadu de su distrito electoral.

Como mi padre, odio la política. Pero siempre disfruté de la atención adicional que recibía dondequiera que iba a Lagos, ya que mi tío es político. Los políticos son servidores del pueblo en el papel. Pero, en realidad, las personas son sirvientes de los políticos.

“Pero tĂ­a, si llevas una cadena de diez soberanos en el cuello, Âżno te dolerĂĄ el cuello? ÂżPor quĂ© sigues teniendo dolor en el cuello? No pude resistirme a preguntar.

“Nunca quise usar eso. Normalmente lo guardo en el cajón la mayor parte del tiempo. Pero, cuando llega la gente del circuito superior de tu tío, cualquier cosa menos de 10 soberanos se considera una desgracia para el partido político”, dijo Susan.

Hmmm... Interesante... Entonces, es una 'Cadena Política', pensé.

“SĂ­, despuĂ©s de todo, si alguien lo roba, el ladrĂłn tambiĂ©n debe obtener el beneficio por el riesgo que estĂĄ tomando” dije sarcĂĄsticamente.

"ÂżQuieres decir que algĂșn ladrĂłn podrĂ­a haberlo robado?" preguntĂł Susana.

“Mira este periĂłdico local ‘G.R.A times’. La principal novedad es esa. MirĂ©... "Los ladrones deambulan por las calles de Kandanchavadi", es el titular.

"ÂĄOh Dios mĂ­o! Pero, ÂżquiĂ©n se atreverĂĄ a robar en la casa de un polĂ­tico? Es como engañar a los de tu propia especie” Susan tampoco estaba mal en el sarcasmo.

"¿Qué debemos hacer ahora?" Yo pregunté.

“Bueno, primero tenemos que informar al tĂ­o. Pero, Ă©l estĂĄ en el campo ahora. Hay mucho cumplimiento por parte de los residentes debido a la lluvia de diciembre. El agua de lluvia se ha acumulado en las ĂĄreas bajas y las personas estĂĄn varadas. Ha ido allĂ­ en la mañana misma. Ayer lo vi ponerse verde despuĂ©s de la llamada con el ministro. Obviamente, el Ministro le ha pedido que haga algo. AsĂ­ que ha ido a hacer algo”, dijo Susan.

“Dame su nĂșmero. Voy a llamar” dije.

“No tiene sentido llamar. No contestarĂĄ la llamada si estĂĄ en el campo. Sus amigos cercanos se han ido a sus nativos. Entonces, no tengo un nĂșmero a travĂ©s del cual pueda contactarlo. Tienes que ir al ĂĄrea afectada por la lluvia y reunirte con Ă©l directamente. Si perdemos tiempo, el ladrĂłn puede alejarse mĂĄs. Entonces, tu tĂ­o harĂĄ 'Shivathaandavam' cuando regrese”, dijo Susan.

Decidi ir. Cuando llegué al lugar, pude ver que entre catorce y quince JCB estaban trabajando. El tío estå parado en medio de los JCB con un grupo de personas vestidas de blanco. Hay pocos grupos pequeños de gente local parados aquí y allå y hablando. Mi tío les gritaba a los conductores de JCB. La mayor parte del camino estaba bajo el agua y hay pocos pisos (que se construyeron en medio de los lagos) que se han convertido en islas debido a la obstrucción del agua.

Al principio no entendĂ­a nada. Los quince JCBS estaban trabajando. Estaban cavando y haciendo canales aquĂ­ y allĂĄ. No habĂ­a conexiĂłn entre los canales. Algunos de los canales estaban siendo excavados al otro lado de la carretera. No habĂ­a absolutamente ninguna direcciĂłn sobre lo que estĂĄn haciendo. Pero siguieron cavando. HabĂ­a un fotĂłgrafo haciendo clic en las fotos y un canal de noticias local y un camarĂłgrafo estaba grabando el video del procedimiento.

EntendĂ­ el escenario. Es solo un truco polĂ­tico. Mi tĂ­o estĂĄ desesperado por mostrarle al ministro y a la gente que Ă©l estĂĄ en el “espesor” de las cosas y haciendo todo lo posible por la gente. Pero la realidad es que estĂĄ empeorando las cosas. Debido a la excavaciĂłn descontrolada, el camino se volviĂł inĂștil y ahora, incluso los camiones no pueden pasar por el camino. Con la lluvia, las personas quedaron aisladas durante dos o tres dĂ­as. Ahora, debido a esta excavaciĂłn, la gente estarĂĄ aislada durante el prĂłximo mes. ÂĄÂĄLa polĂ­tica en su mĂĄxima expresiĂłn!!

No tiene sentido ventilar mi opiniĂłn. Mejor dejar la polĂ­tica de “cavar” a los polĂ­ticos. Me acerquĂ© a mi tĂ­o y le contĂ© la situaciĂłn en casa.

“Le dije mil veces que cerrara el cajĂłn. Ella nunca lo hace. Ahora, entre servir a la gente en el momento de esta calamidad, tengo que manejar los problemas en mi casa tambiĂ©n” me gritaba.

“Si un ladrĂłn puede alcanzar el cajĂłn, Âżde quĂ© sirve tener un candado frente a Ă©l?” Mi mente lĂłgica de ingenierĂ­a estaba tratando de razonar conmigo mismo. Pero, no lo planteĂ© como una pregunta.

Mi tĂ­o pensĂł por un minuto y luego me preguntĂł.

“¿Tienes una foto de la cadena en tu móvil?”

“No tengo. Pero puedo pedirle a la tía que me lo envíe por WhatsApp”, dije.

"Hazlo ahora
” instruyó.

LlamĂ© a la tĂ­a y me enviĂł la foto de la cadena de una de sus fotos. Le mostrĂ© la foto a mi tĂ­o. TomĂł mi telĂ©fono y le enviĂł esa foto a otra persona. Luego marcĂł un nĂșmero desde mi telĂ©fono y dijo.

“Te enviĂ© la foto de una cadena. Me lo robaron de mi casa. No sĂ© quĂ© harĂĄs ni cĂłmo lo harĂĄs. Necesito que me devuelvan la cadena hoy por la tarde”.

Mi mente lĂłgica de ingenierĂ­a entendiĂł eso, debe ser el inspector de policĂ­a. Luego me devolviĂł el telĂ©fono y dijo. "Regresar a casa. Dile a la tĂ­a que ella recibirĂĄ su cadena por la tarde”.

Luego comenzĂł a gritarles a los operadores de JCB nuevamente...

Cuando volvĂ­, vi al menos media docena de policĂ­as en la casa de mi tĂ­o. Estaban mostrando las fotos de los ladrones del lugar a los sirvientes de la casa y preguntaban si habĂ­an visto a alguno de ellos cerca de las instalaciones de la casa en los Ășltimos dĂ­as. Uno de los sirvientes identificĂł a un ladrĂłn y dijo que lo vio hace 3 dĂ­as. Entonces los policĂ­as se marcharon.

A las 4:00 PM, el ladrĂłn en cuestiĂłn llegĂł a la casa de mi tĂ­o disfrazado. Llevaba Purdah. Inmediatamente fue donde mi tĂ­a y se disculpĂł. Él le ha entregado la cadena y le ha dicho que se esconderĂĄ durante unos dĂ­as. De lo contrario, si la policĂ­a lo atrapa, le romperĂĄn todos los huesos. Le pidiĂł a la tĂ­a que no le dijera a nadie que Ă©l llegĂł allĂ­ por lo menos hasta las 6:00 p.m. para que pudiera cubrir una distancia segura y escapar.

A las 5:00 PM vino el inspector de policĂ­a y le dio a la tĂ­a otra cadena del mismo tipo y del mismo peso. AfirmĂł que atraparon al ladrĂłn y le quitaron la cadena. Se disculpĂł por las molestias y se fue. Mi tĂ­a no le dijo eso al policĂ­a, el ladrĂłn ya vino. QuerĂ­a mantener su palabra al ladrĂłn de que no lo revelarĂĄ hasta las 6:00 p. m.

A las 5:45 p. m., mi sobrina regresó de la universidad después de las celebraciones navideñas y trajo la cadena y dijo: "A todos les gustaron las joyas étnicas de oro".

“Pero, Aarathy, Âżpor quĂ© no me dijiste eso, lo llevabas puesto?” preguntĂł mi tĂ­a.

“Es solo por un dĂ­a. De todos modos, lo traerĂ© de vuelta por la noche. Cuando me fui, te busquĂ©. Pero estabas en el jardĂ­n. AsĂ­ que me fui. ÂżPor quĂ©? ÂżQuĂ© sucediĂł?" preguntĂł Aarathy.

Susan sacĂł las cadenas que le dieron el ladrĂłn y el policĂ­a. Mantuvo las tres cadenas juntas y preguntĂł.

“Ahora, Âża quiĂ©n pertenecen las otras dos cadenas?”

espero que les guste la historia