Low-Budget Gift Ideas That Make a Big Impact

in GEMS3 months ago

Giving us a thoughtful and selfless gesture rendered towards those around us, which goes on to steer joy and create more bond between givers and receivers, giving is a noble act that's sometimes done as an act of appreciation toward our loved ones or even total strangers, and it usually goes on to strengthen the relationship. Because a gift can go on to create a lasting memory? It's not until we break the bank before a gift is said to be great, and that's why in this article I'll be talking about some low-budget gift ideas.


We all have loved ones, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and several other people around us that we'll love to show some love towards, and when it comes to gifting, it can be a pain in the ass sometimes, especially when most of what's coming to your mind is expensive, and yet you want to give out something that'll be appreciated. Take, for instance, when you want to show love to someone who's celebrating their birthday, wedding anniversary, or something else; we tend to want to give them something that'll stand out.

But then it's worth noting that not everything has to do with breaking the bank; a thoughtful gesture is what gifting is, and the heart behind that alone is what matters, and in light of low-budget gift ideals, one I usually find easy without breaking the bank is making handmade shoes for my friends to give them as a gift.

It doesn't usually cost me much to make this, given the fact that I'm a professional in this skill; I just need to buy some leather and other stuff needed, and then I'll craft out the shoes and gift them out as a birthday gift or even a Christmas gift in season such as this. Even though you're worried because you don't know how to make shoes, you can also use your own personal skills to craft something cool for them; maybe you're a tailor, crocheter, or whatever the skills might be.

Sometimes this gift doesn't even need to cost us anything. Take, for instance, a few months ago, I was going through my clothes and realized I've got lots of them I no longer wear, and rather than have them decluttering my space, I decided to throw them away. While sorting through, I noticed some are still good, and I gave them out to my church welfare community, which they'll then put on display at the end of each month for church members to pick. It's always exciting seeing something I no longer needed being useful for someone else.

Like I said, gifts don't have to be expensive, and sometimes when we're rich but want to gift something to those around us, for example kids, you can simply buy some pack of sweets and give it to them as a treat whenever you come across them or they pay you a visit during this festive season. What matters is the heart behind it and not how expensive the gift is.

All photos are mine.

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You are right, we don't need to break a bank before we gift something meaningful to people

Those shoes are fine, and am very such whoever you gift them to would really appreciate them because of its quality and also because you took out time to make them yourself