All guilty of condeming

in GEMS3 years ago

Character they say is like a smoke. You can pretend to be what you are not for as long as you are conscious of your claims or when you are in a vicinity that torch light your life.
Many people try to leave the life of others, by trying so hard to do what those people do. We fail to remember that we are unique in our own way.
It is true that good & bad characters can be acquired over a certain period of time . But my point, what so ever side of the divide you find yourself, do not condem others at the other side but condem the "act"
One of my boss did something today, he pick trash from the car and dropt it on the ground. He is fun of condeming other people who do similar thing, not just condeming them but seeing them as irresponsible and bad, he never expect himself to do such thing.
The worst part is that, he never believe anyone is better then him. Never willing to listen to advise from someone who is his subordinate.
My points
It is ok to make mistakes,
It is okay to yell at people constructively,
It is okay to know that we are all human,
Most of it all, it is okay to take corrections from people as long as we it is the right thing to do, it doesn't matter from whom the advice is coming.
" be human, be tolerate and be encourager to people to leave the right life"