[I'm tony-duke with 37 kills]
Hello my fellow gamers here on Hive, I hope you are having a nice quarantine. The power supply was out through out today so I had to play mobile games.
It's a long time I played Call Of Duty (COD) on my mobile, but I guess I've still got it in me. I'm the best sniper you'll want to have on your team. Check out my stats, I even got to level up just after two games.
[Level 67 😎]
Today my best score was 37 kills, but I've got a personal record of 43 kills in a front line match. My sniping accuracy is unmatched.
[Final kill with a head shot by me]
You can add me up with my user ID Tony-duke. Send me an invite and let's play some rank match together. Playing with the best sniper, victory is always certain.