There is a common saying that a Stitch in time saves nine. But recently I've come to reflect on this short idiom and it's true application to real life cases. Our lives are constantly lived with lots of regrets of present situation which are results of our past actions. We have often come up with the popular phrase "had I known". Sometimes we get buried in our thoughts and regrets that we fail to see the tiny light at the end of the tunnel.
Living isn't all about success and getting that which you desire, it's full of ups and downs and you would have to scale a lot of hurdles to achieve a particular goal, but then we have some obvious mistakes and mal-decisions we make in life that shows a direct influence on the outcome. A common cause of mal-decision making is PROCRASTINATION.
Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
Marthe Troly-Curtin
This is where a Stitch in time could actually save ten. Time is the only true asset we come into this world with. We all own time that constantly diminishes in value and some die out faster than others. The time we waste can never be recovered and what could have been achieved during that time is gone with it. Taking actions when required to and at the right time is a step to creating the future we desire. The Present is a consequence of the past and a tool to shaping the future. How about making that stitch now to save the whole ten and lose none?