Cat person, dog person, or both? - My life with pets

in GEMSyesterday (edited)

Are you more of a cat person or a dog person? For me, it's a bit complicated because I've grown up with both, and I have strong feelings about each. But if I had to choose... well, let me tell you my story.



I grew up in a house surrounded by animals. We always had cats, and we also had a dog, but because my brother had allergies, none of them were allowed inside the house. The dog stayed outside, and I always longed to have a cat with me inside, but my parents were strict about the no-pet-inside rule.


I can’t remember exactly when I got my first cat, but I think I was around five or six years old. We found her outside, all small and hungry, and I couldn’t resist. I brought her home, and she quickly became my secret roommate. I used to sneak her into my room, hoping nobody would notice. Of course, my parents knew what was going on, and they would remind me that cats weren't allowed inside, but I kept finding ways to hide her.
One of my clever tricks was training her to come to my window. She’d scratch at the window when she wanted to come in, and I’d let her into my room without anyone noticing. I felt like I was in a secret club with this cat, and we had our own special bond. But as much as I loved her and the other cats we had, it was tough living near a busy road. My first cat was smart enough to stay off the street, and she lived with us for 15 years. The other cats weren’t so lucky, and many of them got hurt or worse because of the traffic. It was heartbreaking every time we lost one.
The pain of losing those cats was really tough on me. I remember crying every time it happened, and my parents tried to soften the blow by letting me keep one kitten from each litter my first cat had. I think every neighbor ended up with one of our kittens! But after my last cat passed away when I was 22, I decided I couldn’t go through that heartbreak anymore. I said goodbye to having cats.


This was my baby

Then, something happened that I didn’t expect. My husband brought home a little white puppy, and I instantly fell in love. She was this fluffy, adorable ball of energy, and she filled that animal-shaped hole in my heart. Now, she’s 12 years old, and I love her just as much as I loved my cats. The only problem? She’s terrible with cats. If she sees one, it’s like the world is ending—she barks and growls like she’s ready for war. So, no more cats for me, at least for now.


But I can’t help it—every time I see a cat, I still feel that pull. I always stop to pet them when I can, and I’ll always be a cat person at heart. So, am I a cat person or a dog person? Honestly, I’m both. It’s just that right now, my life is a bit more “dog person” than “cat person.” Funny how things turn out, huh?




So, that’s my story. I love both cats and dogs, and each one has brought something special to my life. But what about you? Are you more of a cat person or a dog person? Or maybe you love both, like me?




Do you have pets right now? How many? Did you grow up with animals, or did you get your first pet later in life? I’d love to hear about your experiences with your furry friends. Maybe you have a funny or heartwarming story about your pets, too!




It’s always interesting to see how different people connect with their pets, and how much joy animals can bring to our lives. Whether you're team cat, team dog, or team both, share your thoughts and let me know what pets mean to you!



“Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to”
– Alfred A. Montapert





With love, @tinabrezpike ❤️


6 cats at the moment :D and they all have the attitude that they are ours. you don't own a yard cat :)
we had 3 last year and than one day we had 4. A random cat was like yah i like it here, i think i will live here. Then one maybe 6-7 months ago one was just gone. for 4 months. And one morning he was just back, like nothing happened. Perfectly fine, looking great, like he was on a vacation, and a bit pissed off with the situation at home.
Male cats tend to disappear for a week or two but they usually look like they were in some secret cat war. This fucker came back with part of his ear missing and twisted, and like half of his weight.


and the number is 6 now because the Terminator had 2 kittens and it is still not decided are they staying or looking for a new home.

the Terminator, early spring

and i think this is my best performing blog on search engines :D

Oh boy, six cats! 😂 But like you said, they come to visit, you give them food, and they stay... forever 😂 My friend once said she’d only have one cat, but now she has four because every time one shows up, she feeds them, and then they stick around. She’s like, ok, you can stay, no problem!😂 Male cats always wander off for a long time, then come back months later looking like they’ve been in a fight with Mike Tyson 😂 But I can definitely say you’re a cat person! Your cats are beautiful ❤️