Adversity reveals what Chance Cannot...

in GEMS11 days ago

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In brightest days when fortune gleams you a feeling of comfort you still feel uneasy
We drift on waves that seems to leave scar on this troubled mind but sometimes unkind
We wanted to sail fully and continuously but sometimes this world could fall apart instantly
With wealth in hand and joy at heart it could sometimes be strained by hidden loneliness…

You can lavishly accept the fear or be fooled by the present feeling
It’s full of shining coins and multiple lavish feasts but beneath the surface, changes can happen quickly
This life can change from brighter blue to darker gray but nobody knows
But please not be fooled by fortune’s light- leaving empty seas beyond adversity…

It can easily test your soul obscure hope with battles of the night
The true strength is found on how you will react and found a new life in limbing spirits
It tests your soul and brings you to a whole lot of different ways to cope up with pain
The wind blows so hard that this storm can easily steer the course to a whole lot new journey…

Adversity through highs and lows, can force you to be bold or fragile
How comfort holds you to be someone you are not and find who to trust when life is tough
In trial’s depths the brave will arise in its truest strength of the heart
Let fortune flow hold you even in the lightest and darkest days, adversity world show what’s to prove that is true…

Truest strength of the heart
Trust when life is tough
A new life in limbing spirts
Different ways to cope up with pain


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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