Maybe this is goodbye | Tal vez este sea un adiós ESP/ENG]

in GEMS3 years ago

Tal vez este sea un adiós.

Maybe this is goodbye.


Me temo que no somos, fuimos ni seremos la típica pareja que se promete el cielo el mundo y las estrellas.

I am afraid that we are not, were not and will not be the typical couple that promises each other the sky the world and the stars.

Creo que es porque tenemos muy claro la realidad, y la realidad es que tal vez el cielo el mundo y las estrellas no van a estar. Al menos no ahora, y no estando juntos.

I think it's because we are very clear about the reality, and the reality is that maybe the sky the world and the stars are not going to be. At least not now, and not when we are together.

Después de tantos desamores, en lo que menos pensamos realmente es en un nuevo amor. Y es justo en ese momento en el que el universo decide alinearse y colocarnos en la misma habitación y aunque muy bien sabía que lo nuestro sería un amor de corto plazo, no pensé que tan pronto nuestro viaje llegaría a su fin. Nos ocupamos tanto en ser felices, que no caímos en cuenta lo que dolería marcar un final.

After so many heartbreaks, the last thing we really think about is a new love. And it is just at that moment that the universe decides to align and put us in the same room and although I knew very well that ours would be a short term love, I didn't think that so soon our journey would come to an end. We got so busy being happy, that we didn't realize how much it would hurt to mark an end.

Porque yo no creo en el amor a distancia y ti te de miedo prometer en vano, porque el mañana es incierto y el futuro no lo controlamos.

Because I don't believe in long distance love and you are afraid to promise in vain, because tomorrow is uncertain and the future is not in our control.