Buenas noches hive, bienvenidos a mi blog
Good evening hive, welcome to my blog
Una vez mas le tengo un paso a paso pero esta vez les enseño como realizas una linda flor con moldes de ponques o capacillos
Once again I have a step by step but this time I show you how to make a beautiful flower with cake molds or cups
Materiales: 8 capacillos para ponque o cupcake. Palitos de altura, retazos de cartulina verde, papel crepe ( tira), tijera y pega.
Materials: 8 cups for cake or cupcake. Height sticks, pieces of green cardboard, crepe paper (strip), scissors and glue.
Paso a paso
1. With the 8 caps, first we open them so that they retain their round shape and then we proceed to make several doubles. As I show in the photos.
2. Despues de realizar los 4 dobleces a los capacillos con una tijera, cortamos la punta superior en forma de petalos.
2. After making the 4 folds to the cups with a scissors, we cut the upper tip in the shape of petals.
4. Colocamos pega en el palito de altura e introducimos los 8 capacillos uno a la vez, alternando con pega. Luego ya formada la flor, con la tira de papel crepe forramos el palito de altura, creamos un capuyo de cartulina y pegamos.
3. With crayons we add a touch of color to the tips of the petals, then we pass a tall stick through the center of each basket to be able to start shaping the flower
4. We place glue on the tall stick and introduce the 8 cups one at a time, alternating with glue. After the flower is formed, with the crepe paper strip we cover the tall stick, create a cardboard cap and glue.
5. Por ultimo con los retazos de cartulina verde, cortamos hojas y damos esfumaturas con creyon, luego las pegamos en el palito de la flor.
5. Finally, with the pieces of green cardboard, we cut leaves and shake them with crayon, then stick them on the flower stick.