A big greeting to the community, especially to the followers of Splinterlands, I have liked the reception I have had in these few weeks that I have in the platform, I will improve the quality of my content to always give you the best of me.
I’m still learning in this game and that’s why I will transmit you some of the knowledge I have acquired and how to use it when it comes to games. I’m still learning in this game and that’s why I will transmit you some of the knowledge I have acquired and how to use it at the time of the games. Let’s go!
In this opportunity, I will talk to you very specifically about the Splinterlands cards, since it is a topic that can become something quite broad, because of its diversity and that is one of the main features of the game, if not the first, and can be divided into 3 things; the editions, the rarities and the types of cards, and of course the mechanics that can be achieved with them over a period of learning within the game.
Personally it is a very interesting aspect, the cards besides their design, which I will not talk about in this post, are of vital importance and knowing them in depth is very important. I hope you like the content and be supported in a good way, let’s start!
Card Rarity
Within the Splinterlands game there are in total 4 rarities for cards, which are: common, rare, epic and legendary. The reason for the rarity among the cards lies in the fact that they must be combined with each other to increase the level of the cards, this implies that the cost of some cards is much higher compared to others.
Let’s take a look!
The Common Cards: In this kind of card their rarity is quite low which means that there is a very high probability that they will come out in a loot chest or booster pack. It is worth noting that when this kind of card is revealed it has a characteristic color on its edges, which is silver.
Rare Cards: Considered as the third most important kind of card in the game, rare cards also have a higher probability of being in the booster pack, and once they are revealed they have a bluish color on their edges.
Epic Cards: Epic cards reflect a purple color on their edges when they are revealed, it could be said that they are the second most important types of cards according to rarity in Splinterlands, which leads to a very low probability of being included in the packs.
Legendary Cards: These are the cards with the highest rarity in the game, which means that the probability that one of these cards can be included in a booster pack is much lower than 1%, and they have a characteristic color of Gold.
Within the Splinterlands game there are in total 4 rarities for cards, which are: common, rare, epic and legendary. The reason for the rarity among the cards lies in the fact that they must be combined with each other to increase the level of the cards, this implies that the cost of some cards is much higher compared to others.
Let’s take a look!
The Common Cards: In this kind of card their rarity is quite low which means that there is a very high probability that they will come out in a loot chest or booster pack. It is worth noting that when this kind of card is revealed it has a characteristic color on its edges, which is silver.
Rare Cards: Considered as the third most important kind of card in the game, rare cards also have a higher probability of being in the booster pack, and once they are revealed they have a bluish color on their edges.
Epic Cards: Epic cards reflect a purple color on their edges when they are revealed, it could be said that they are the second most important types of cards according to rarity in Splinterlands, which leads to a very low probability of being included in the packs.
Legendary Cards: These are the cards with the highest rarity in the game, which means that the probability that one of these cards can be included in a booster pack is much lower than 1%, and they have a characteristic color of Gold.
Card Types
The cards in the Splinterlands game are divided into two main types: Summoners and Monsters:
- Summoners can only be selected within the game, this means that each player can use only one summoner per battle and this summoner can call 6 monster cards that are chosen by the user. The choice of summoner is a delicate issue since it can generate both advantages and disadvantages in the abilities that possess them. In addition, it should always be taken into account that the choice of a summoner of a certain sliver implies the fact that only monsters of the same sliver as the summoner can be chosen.
On the other hand, monsters are those creatures summoned or called by summoners to fight battles. Monsters can improvise as the game progresses, this causes an improvement in statistics such as life points, attack points, speed and armor, and they can also obtain new abilities, but this only happens at specific levels. It should be taken the mentioned about the summoners and slivers, since each monster belongs to a different sliver, these are:
- Water
- Earth
- Life
- Death
- Dragon
Although there are also neutral cards, in this case they can be summoned by a summoner of any sliver, however, the monsters summoned belong to the same sliver that the summoner belongs to.
Card Editions
Splinterlands is a game that has been around for quite a few years now, which has led to small and big changes throughout this time, one of the things that has changed the most are the cards and their editions, both in design and statistics. It is important to know the fact that you can use each of the editions or play with only one of them. Thus, the editions that there have been over the years have been 7 and are as follows:
Alpha Edition: This was the first edition to arrive in the game, which was somewhat primitive, but it was the pioneer in everything it is today, it included a reasonable amount of cards for the community. These Alpha Edition cards were soon converted into the beta edition cards through the collection page.
Beta Edition: Actually this edition is a small modification or extension of the Alpha, however, it was the second to reach the community and should still be taken into consideration, as it presented great changes and improvements in the presentation and new cards to increase the level. In addition to the appearance of neutral cards, i.e. without splinter along with epic and legendary summoners.
Untamed Edition: In the third edition the cards that were on sale after the beta edition, during the beta edition a reward system was used where players acquired a special card according to the amount of “Untamed Edition” packs purchased. In this edition many cards and their abilities did not work compared to the other editions.
Promo Edition: This fourth edition was a surprise for the players on its arrival and it was with the acquisition of orbs, other cards belonging to this edition and with the special arrival of the so-called mysterious potions.
Reward Edition: It had its arrival as part of a season of rewards, these cards were obtained in the form of chest and could be combined, transferred or burned.
Dice Edition: In this edition appeared beautiful designs for the cards that engrossed the players, for the great potential characteristic of each monster in the battles.
Chaos Legion: The 7th and last edition so far, included numerous cards and completely new abilities that drove players crazy all over the platform, becoming for many as one of the best editions of the game. The design of the cards has evolved through the different editions exponentially, where it stands out that each card is unique in details.
As usual, I am infinitely grateful to the entire community, especially to all those who read me, it is a pleasure to make content for you. I will continue to bring content, and I hope to improve in the next posts. With nothing more to add, see you another time.I leave you my splinterlands link so you can register. And I include my twitter post.
If you like to join the game, here is my link.
I also add my twitter post.