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RE: Tricks or Treats- Or Was it Both? My Scariest Halloween

in GEMS3 years ago

They look so cute I. Their costumes
We got caught out this year we moved here last year and had candy in the house in case any kids came trick or treating but none came

So this year we had none in the house as we weren’t expecting trick or treaters and also because I knew if we did and none came I would eat them which is not good fir my diet lol

But this year three groups of kids came to the door and I felt so bad we had nothing to give them


Unfortunately, I am in an area when not many know about Halloween. Yep, not giving them a treat leaves a bad taste in your mouth so stay prepared :)

Ohh yeah for sure next year I will be prepared

I felt so bad having to ignore the kids knocking on the door, next year I will be better prepared and murphys law will mean no one comes LOL

Sure 👍