
Oh, I need a ticket to win? Maybe that's why I have never won yet 😂
Basically, of course, you are right, but we can play online too, what I have been doing for many years. I am always playing the same numbers and sometimes I win, but all in all I lose, of course ;)

Yeah thats so unfair isnt it insisting you must buy a ticker before having a chance to Win, the world is just so focused on Money LOL
I don't think you can buy ticket online here, but not sure I should check it out

The lottery company has on their website also other games and casino games additionally to our official Austrian Lotto. So they offer you more than only one way to lose your money ;)

But forget the money - I think the !BEER is here - I have just got a few messages, but something seems to be wrong.

Ohh yeah I remember seeing that in Italy I think

and yeah I just noticed that !BEER is here :)

Yes, I believe quite some European countries have such a lottery company where you can play online even scratch cards 😉

Let's see if the delivery of the !BEER works :)

the !BEER delivery seems to be working

Yepp, I was shocked about the amount of comments the app was showing me, but most were comments from the @beerlover telling me I have got !BEER ;)

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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!

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