El ciclo de la vida || The Cycle of Life

in GEMS4 years ago

Hola ! || Hi !


Bienvenidos chicos! Espero que se encuentren muy bien, yo me encuentro un poco pensativa ya que visite un jardín el cual estaba un poco desierto lo cual me impresiono ya que la ultima vez que vine había un hermoso árbol de mango ( una fruta típica de mi país ) vi este árbol quemado, pero no del todo lo cual me agrado un poco, igual es triste ver como una fuente de oxigeno es quitada del planeta, así que le tome algunas fotografías para que puedan ver de que les hablo

Welcome, guys! I hope you are well, I feel a little pensive because I visited a garden which was a little deserted which impressed me because the last time I came there was a beautiful mango tree (a typical fruit of my country) I saw this tree burned, but not quite which I like a little, it is still sad to see how a source of oxygen is removed from the planet, so I took some pictures so you can see what I mean

El ciclo de la vida... A veces pienso en la vida y la muerte como un ciclo que jamás acabara, uno esta de la mano de otro, algunas cosas tienen que morir para que otras vivan, existen muchos ejemplos de eso aunque es un poco bizarro pensarlo mucho jaja, a pesar de tener este pensamiento considero que un árbol no debería de ser quemado ni quitado, ya que se necesitan tres campos de futbol (llenos de arboles) para poder dar oxigeno a 18 personas, increíble no ? por otro lado esta el dilema de bueno, gracias a los arboles tenemos la madera que tiene múltiples usos y las hojas para hacer hojas de papel, esto también me deja pensativa por que podemos dejar de usarlas gracias a la tecnología que tenemos hoy en día, también imagino que existen soluciones para la madera... En fin, mi pensamiento en general es que a pesar de que este tronco esta quemado existe vida en el, no se si notan las pequeñas plantas que emergen de el, la vida no se acaba, siempre sigue, espero que algún día todos tomemos conciencia de lo importante que son los arboles y no les hagamos mas daño...

The cycle of life... Sometimes I think about life and death as a cycle that will never end, one is hand in hand with the other, some things have to die so that others can live, there are many examples of this although it is a bit bizarre to think about it haha, despite having this thought I consider that a tree should not be burned or removed, since you need three soccer fields (full of trees) to give oxygen to 18 people, incredible, isn't it? On the other hand there is the dilemma of good, thanks to the trees we have the wood that has multiple uses and the leaves to make paper leaves, this also leaves me pensive because we can stop using them thanks to the technology that we have nowadays, also I imagine that solutions exist for the wood? In short, my thought in general is that although this trunk is burned there is life in it, I do not know if you notice the small plants that emerge from it, life does not end, always continues, I hope that someday we all become aware of how important trees are and do not do more damage ...


These pictures were taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 8A



Hey @sugarelys, I do not approve of the destruction of large trees for timber or other purposes. It takes a long time for a small plant to grow into a big tree. You have included some of these photos in the content. The photo quality is good by hand. But I do not like the view. It is heartbreaking to see the burning of trees that supply human life.

Hi, I completely agree with you, a tree takes a long time to grow and people only think about destroying them, let's hope that someday this will change so we can have more oxygen or rather life