Managing Fear in The Shadow of The Coronavirus Crisis

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

'Fear Management' is a principle that exists in all living things, the principle of self-regulation, seen as a resource for 'correcting the course' and unifying the world through it, and with the recourse to social media, especially in times of curfew, individuals indulge in innumerable data and information about the virus, so that the individual finds himself in an endless vicious circle to escape fear from fear, while recycling fear in other forms.

[ image from Wikimedia Commons | «Author,, License CC-BY-SA.]

In the virtual environment, social media has contributed to the disruption of fear management, resulting in 'unusual' responses, the promotion of abnormal reactions, and the negative impact on mental health. Focusing on hand washing in health advice on Coronavirus on social media, people with Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) have over-medicare, as excessive hand washing is one of the most common symptoms of Obsessive–compulsive disorder, leading to dysfunction since the beginning of the crisis, with the need for psychiatric treatment sessions, and doctors advising them not to look for any Virus-specific messages on the Internet.

[ Photo on | License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication ]

Given human history with epidemics, overreaction is inevitable at the outset. Human beings are filled with fear and in constant conflict, and with human beings subjected to successive waves and existential tremors, and with a constant mobilization of social media, genuine supportive initiatives are not traded at the same pace as strange, disturbing and abnormal events. Simply reflecting the platform's algorithmpolicy, where algorithms stand as a terrifying force behind the world of Social Media, in which we sink, 'the problem is not in fake content and news, but in bad algorithms', which produces two-sided fear.

In summary, it's important to break the cycle of fear around, through daily practices and preoccupations with family members such as reading or playing, or even chatting, adapting oneself to a legitimate sense of fear without excessive uncertainty, and looking for other alternatives, which may be the safe haven we can resort to away from total immersion within Social Media, and achieving feelings of reassurance and safety.

It is not really fair to claim that the search for alternatives is the solution, and it is not honest to appear as a preacher, and to dictate certain practices as salvation from two-sided fear, what is easier to talk and what is more difficult to do! But it is well established that the sense of fear exists, even if humanity surrounds itself with barbed wire, just trying to balance fear and safety.


Best regards, ✍
M'ssieu Abdo


Good post and nice information for all hivers 👌

Thank you dear you're welcome