[ENG/ES]El fin De la ignorancia//The End of Ignorance

in GEMS3 years ago



Quisiera saber más, para fallar menos. Quisiera saber dónde pisar, antes de caer. Quisiera poder intentar sin el miedo a fallar. Quisiera volver a iniciar pero esta vez sin llorar... Si tan solo yo fuera más inteligente, más precavido más comprensivo...

I would like to know more, to fail less. I would like to know where to step, before I fall. I would like to be able to try without the fear of failing. I wish I could start again, but this time without crying.... If only I were more intelligent, more cautious, more understanding....

Maldita ignorancia que me ciega y me abraza llenando mi mente de ideas falsas, mostrandome ilusiones que me cansan. Quisiera que solo una vez yo tuviera la razón. Que no sea facil jugar con mi corazón, que no me digan lo que quiero escuchar si no lo que necesito de verdad. Si solo hubiera escuchado a quienes me aman, a quienes me dicen la verdad. Siento que solo es tiempo de cambiar.

Damn ignorance that blinds me and embraces me, filling my mind with false ideas, showing me illusions that make me tired. I wish that only once I was right. That it wouldn't be easy to play with my heart, that they wouldn't tell me what I want to hear but what I really need. If only I had listened to those who love me, to those who tell me the truth. I feel that it is only time to change.

Ahora yo he aprendido que es en verdad estudiar, uno estudia para ignorar menos y no para saber más. Que fui tonto por no escuchar al inocente porque pense que estaba mal. Al no creerme mis propias mentiras porque duele la verdad. Al dejar que mi orgullo y mi terquedad me lleve a mi propio final.

Now I have learned that it is indeed to study, one studies to ignore less and not to know more. That I was foolish not to listen to the innocent because I thought it was wrong. By not believing my own lies because the truth hurts. By letting my pride and stubbornness lead me to my own end.

Sal de mí aquello que me denigra, me atrasa y me opaca. Si tan solo mis pies tocaran la tierra, me daría cuenta de que no da tanto asco el mundo a mi alrededor, de que hay cosas por las cuales luchar, gente que merece mi amor. Que hay lugares que quiero visitar, que un te amo dice más que mil palabras y que hasta el más fuerte necesita de un abrazo, que no estamos sólos en el mundo, sino que alejamos a los que nos aman, buscando amor en lugares donde no existe, Teniendo el mejor regalo delante de nuestras propias narices. Si tan solo mi ignorancia se extingiera. Tal vez más allá podría ver? Que el dinero y lo material es parte de nuestro mundo pero realmente no forma parte de nuestros corazones, que ni un millón de dólares le daría a mis padres ni un solo minuto más de vida. Que suelo ignorar lo importante, haciendo cosas que son tontas para el resto.

Get out of me that which denigrates me, slows me down and dulls me. If only my feet would touch the earth, I would realize that the world around me is not so disgusting, that there are things to fight for, people who deserve my love. That there are places I want to visit, that an I love you says more than a thousand words and that even the strongest needs a hug, that we are not alone in the world, but that we push away those who love us, looking for love in places where it doesn't exist, having the best gift right under our noses. If only my ignorance would die out. Perhaps further I could see? That money and material things are part of our world but not really part of our hearts, That not a million dollars would give my parents one more minute of life. That I tend to ignore what's important, doing things that are silly to everyone else.

Cuando estes al filo del otro mundo. Cuando no sientas los dedos de los pies. Que todo esté en camara lenta y con tristeza y melancolia veas todo aquello que viviste, te acordarás? De las cuentas que tenías que pagar? De la casa que tenías que limpiar? De la fiesta a la que tenías que ir? No, no lo harás, te acordarás de todos esos te amos que jamás salieron de tu boca, del tiempo que no pasaste con tu hijo, de lo mucho que extrañaras a tus amigos, que nunca cumpliste tu sueño...

When you're on the edge of the other world. When you can't feel your toes. When everything is in slow motion and with sadness and melancholy you see all that you lived, will you remember? Of the bills you had to pay? Of the house you had to clean? Of the party you had to go to? No, you won't, you will remember all those loves that never came out of your mouth, the time you didn't spend with your son, how much you will miss your friends, that you never fulfilled your dream?

No es morir sin arrepentimientos... Es vivir sin ellos.

It's not dying without regrets... It is living without them.


I was captivated by this, if something is happening to you personally, you have expressed it very well, and you feel everything you say, what if it is that with time we discover the truth, we never know the consequences, as soon as there is a cause.

Technically your writing impressed me, it would be good to fix the source of the image, since that is the address in google, the source you get it from the page where the image is hosted, it usually comes out in the option "visit" or "visit page", or even says the name of the page at the bottom of the image when you select it in Google.

Source: https://rotoplascentroamerica.com/como-aprovechar-el-agua-de-lluvia/

Good job, very heartfelt lines and remember that adding more images makes your writing even more dramatic, it gives more body to your post.

Thank you for reading, I am very new to this community and your comment made me very happy.

thanks for all the tips, I will apply them in the next publication.

Thank you very much

I think that we will never be able to advance and grow as people if we keep excusing all our actions all our lives, it is better to accept our faults and fight to be better.

Mucha sensibilidad en tus palabras, demasiado hermosa la reflexión, si se trata de una vivencia personal lo transmitido de manera perfecta se me erizo la piel, felicidades, continua escribiendo así. Éxito tienes mucho camino por delante, saludos.

muchísimas gracias por leer

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