Memories from the past: Barcelona (2016)

in GEMS5 years ago

I'm writing to you while my feeth are in a bowl full of cold water, because here it's really hot and I felt the need to refresh myself (even if just with a bowl of water for my feeth ^_^).
Today was a lazy day for me. We are in holiday from the work on the bookshop and even if I painted new artworks in the previous day, today I decided to be lazy.Just for one day.

After a fast dinner I placed myself in front of my laptop to watch some old photo me and my hubby @paolobeneforti took during our trips in Europe and I thought to share with you some pics of the first time we visited the wonderful city of Barcelona!

It was the 2016 and after that first visit we came back in Barcelona other 2 times, because we love so much that city.

I love the colors there, I love the architectures, I love the sound of the Spanish words (you know I'm italian and so I have not difficult to understand Spanish, even if I have some difficult to write in the language).

I hope to visit again Barcelona as soon as possible, but know I want to send a warm hug to all people in the world hoping this horrible time will finish soon .







I hope you appreciate this sort of virtual tour and, for me, some nce memories.
See ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( and on Etsy ( ^_^ ****


Nice pics! did you visit the Gothic center as well?

Yes, I visited it and I absolutely I love it!

This pictures are so perfect! I hope one day can visit this beautiful place😍

Manually curated by brumest from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!