Happy Big or Small Rock Day!
This large boulder sits along a
equinox line with two other
boulders in front and
three large boulders next in
line on the other side of a
dirt road in Alaska.

Clocks come in all shapes and sizes.
Best of all are those made of big rocks.
Some are more elaborate than others.
These ones here are of the simple kind.
The shadows are the hands of time.
They stretch out and circle around
as time marches on.

Rock Around The Clock Song
by Bill Haley And His Comets

Early or late any day is good
for a boulder date!
Show us your boulders
Large rocks are needed
roll them on over.
Must be your own photos!
Boulder location would be
great to know if possible.
Use the tag
Then we can hunt them! by @shasta
Drop a link to your
boulder below so we
don't miss your post!
Many thank you's
to all the boulder posters!
It is a real pleasure to
see them!

All the boulder posts
since the stone age.
First posting November 4th 2018 by @shasta

Thank you @otage for the cool street name! https://peakd.com/monomad/@otage/blacktop-alphabet-s-monomad

© Photos & words by >@shasta July 23rd 2021 9:30 PM O'rock Alaska
Thank you very much ❤ @pixresteemer! :-)
Yo! You have many boulders!! Send one to me!
It might be hard to control its landing lol
Hahaha. We will try to cushion the arrival! LoL
Congratulations on your next find. :)
I think that you have them at every step.
Oh we do, quite a few of them are hiding under the dirt to! :-)