Man, it’s interesting to talk about but I don’t think this was a big deal, I said it on Twitter but I’m mostly mad that Will Smith got me paying attention to the Oscars.
It was a terrible joke….not only because it was insensitive but also because it was not funny at all. And if you wanna attack people like that, you have to be more likeable than Chris Rock, and show love when you do it.
Not saying it should be against the rules to roast people, but we can roast the roaster harder when he’s a jerk.
Definetly bad blood between these two before. I could sense that from the interaction.
Will came across as a bit unstable…but when you really sit down and think about his life, he probably is still stuck in his role from the last movie he did.
I’m not someone on the inside of this issue obviously, so I can't really feel what black men or women might feel when they see this, but I hope people can stop worrying about how this kind of thing might set black people back. These two guys all individuals and everyone fucks up sometimes. I think most of us can see that. It really sucks that a few people out there might make racial stereotypes based on dumb shit like this but for what it’s worth, I haven’t seen or heard any of that and I know a lot of different kinds of people.
I just get uncomfortable about people calling this assault? Like do we really want to rely on the law to solve everything? I don’t wanna get smacked by someone, but Chris is not a helpless little kid and there was a room full of people to come to his aid if it got ugly. Maybe if he was half his height or in a wheelchair I’d call it assault.
Are we gonna expect people to behave perfectly all of the time?
Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts and giving me a chance t share mine.
I am going to write about this from a really different angle later today. It’ll be a bit of a wacky connection.