I must confess that until the age of forty I saw these birds only in the picture. When we bought a rural house, one day my ex and I went to a neighboring village. And I saw it! A huge majestic bird proudly walked along the street. It was love at first sight!
I am a vegetarian so this bird could only appear in my house as a pet. And it was worth it! Turkeys are smart and despite their size and sometimes threatening appearance, they easily get used to humans and can become excellent pets.

Of all the animals in the world, the Turkish rooster is one of the most beautiful and the rooster is a species of rooster that is very angry and these roosters are used by many people in restaurants and many people reach home and many people accept them as wild animals and their photography photography as well as me. I took photography and shared these photos with you. I hope you like it. I also like sharing new posts with you. I also like it. Thank you all. I hope you are well and healthy.
Special thanks for @s4s @mbp @rocky1 @broncnutz