I am close

in GEMS3 years ago



I am close to closing the cycle of my life, and I want to close it with trumpets and stage.

I want to hang a huge bouquet of red roses and a yellow Tulip in the center, to leave as a testimony of my journey through life that I was immensely happy at times.

I wish no more flowers than those I gave away one day because I was happy.

No more uphill now I'm going downhill, laughing at my old pranks and asking for more time to finish what I started and that is to rock myself in the bush of problems and laugh in silence at my pranks because I did not care what happened because everything happens in this life and mine is about to close with a big laugh because I lived my way.

Poet, singer sometimes crazy and sometimes sane, goodbye friends hehehehe until never life.


Recordar las travesuras y vivir a nuestra manera eso quiere decir que se vivió en mayúsculas @salvinopinos

Eso es cierto, nadie puede quitarnos lo bailado

Al leer me hizo recordar a mi madre que siempre nos decía que cuando muriera no quería flores, que las quería mientras estuviera viva y mi Hno. mayor cada quince días le llevaba un bello ramo de flores, ella las disfrutaba y se sentía muy feliz. Saludos cordiales @salvinopino.

Hay que dar todo mientras la persona esté viva que es cuando la puede disfrutar