Santai di Pantai Menikmati Senja | Relax on the Beach Enjoying the Dusk

in GEMS2 years ago

bersantai di pantai bersama sahabat | relaxing on the beach with friends

Semoga weekend mu ceria dan berjalan sesuai harapan.

Hope your weekend is happy and goes as expected.

Sabtu meskipun sudah memasuki hari weekend, namun aktivitas ku di trmpat kerja masih berjalan seperti biasanya, pagi ini cuaca begitu cerah ketika aku melangkah kan kaki ku berangkat meninggalkan rumah menuju ke sekolah tempat aku bertugas.

Saturday even though it's the weekend, but my activities at work are still running as usual, this morning the weather was so sunny when I stepped out of my house to go to the school where I was on duty.

*cuaca cerah pagi ini di kota ku | sunny weather this morning in my city *

Hari ini aku menanti jemputan salah seorang sahabat ku yang sudah berjanji akan mengantarkan ku, sembari menanti kehadirannya aku menggunakan waktu untuk berselancar di halaman Hive.

Today I am waiting for an invitation from one of my friends who has promised to take me, while waiting for his presence I use the time to surf on the Hive page.

menanti jemputan | waiting for an invite

Akhirnya tatkala sahabat ku tiba kami segera berangkat berasama menuju ke tempat tugas ku. Setiba di tempat di sekolah tempat ku bertugas aku pun segera melaksanakan kewajiban ku mengajar seperti biasanya.

Finally when my best friend arrived we immediately set off together to my assignment. Arriving at the school where I served, I immediately carried out my teaching duties as usual.

Dan di sela jam istirahat aku berkunjung ke rumah rekan kerjaku yang anaknya sedang sakit. Di rumah nya kami di suguhi minuman susu cret alias air sirup yang di campur susu.

And on the sidelines of the break I visited the house of a co-worker whose child was sick. At his house we were treated to a drink of cret milk aka syrup water mixed with milk.

minuman | drink

Ketik pulang dari kunjungan sosial aku kembali ke sekolah dan melihat kegiatan siswa yang sedang berlatih drumband.

Typing home from a social visit I went back to school and saw the activities of students practicing drumband.


siswa latihan drumband | drum band students

Akhirnya ketika bel pulang berbunyi aku pun kembali ke rumah ku. Di rumah aktivitas siang ku berjalan seperti biasa Saat menikmati istirahat siang aku mencicipi buah nangka pemberian dari sahabat ku. Rasanya yabg manis membuat ku ketagihan.

Finally when the bell rang I went back to my house. At home, my afternoon activities went on as usual. While enjoying my lunch break, I tasted the jackfruit given by my best friend. The sweet taste makes me addicted.

buah nangka | jackfruit

Sore harinya setelah mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, aku sudah bersiap-siap bersama putri sulungku sore ini aku menanti jemputan akak dederanggayoni yang mengajak ku meet up.

In the afternoon after doing my homework, I'm getting ready with my eldest daughter this afternoon I'm waiting for my brother dederanggayoni to invite me to meet up.

Setelah menanti beberapa saat beliau tiba bersama sista asiahaiss, kami langsung jalan dan menuju ke pantai.

After waiting for a while he arrived with sista asiahaiss, we immediately walked and headed to the beach.

Di pantai kami menikmati suasana laut, dan pantai sembari mencicipi kuliner dan mengobrol bersama. Kakak dederanggayoni menghadiahi kami coklat dan tentu saja kami merasa sangat senang serta tak lupa mengucapkan terimakasih pada beliau.

On the beach we enjoy the atmosphere of the sea, and the beach while tasting culinary and chatting together. Brother dederanggayoni gifted us chocolate and of course we were very happy and didn't forget to thank him.



coklat dari kakak | chocolate from sister


bersantai di pantai | relax on the beach

Tak terasa waktu berlalu, dan senja pun tiba kami masih menikmati suasana angin laut serta deburan ombak, dan pemandangan langit senja sungguh nyaman berada dekat dengan alam. Tak lupa kami mengabadikan moment kebersamaan kami hari ini.

It didn't feel like time had passed, and dusk arrived, we still enjoyed the atmosphere of the sea breeze and the waves, and the view of the twilight sky was really comfortable being close to nature. Don't forget to capture our moments together today.



bersantai di pantai ketika senja | relaxing on the beach at dusk

Keseruan bersama sahabat dan menikmati senja bersama membuat hati menjadi happy serta memberi energi positif.

Having fun with friends and enjoying the sunset together makes the heart happy and gives positive energy.

Menjelang maghrib kami pun kembali kerumah dan saling berpamitan. Setiba di rumah aktivitas malam hari kembali ku jelang

Towards evening we returned home and said goodbye to each other. Arriving at home, I return to my night activities ahead of time

Malam ini aku tidur lebih awal karena sudah kelelahan. Meskipun demikian aku merasa bahagia. Semoga hari sahabat hiven juga happy dan ceria.

Tonight I went to bed early because I was tired. Nevertheless I feel happy. Hopefully the day of the hiven friend is also happy and cheerful.