[ENG-ESP] Invisible loyalty. / Lealtad invisible.

in GEMS4 years ago


I'm sure you've thought: "I'm going to end up like my grandfather. Or you were afraid of repeating the story of one of your parents. Surely that thought did not let you live in peace or project yourself to new projects.

Maybe it was the women in your family who were abused at a certain age, and you are bound by the fear of repeating that history.

These facts that link us to our relatives, to facts of the past, lead us to live a life full of fears, of worries, they throw over our lives invisible loyalties that paralyze us, that do not allow us to fully enjoy the present and the future.

Invisible loyalty is to identify with that family evil and seek to repeat it.

Most of us had in our family a person who suffered an accident, some abuse, who became ill with cancer or some hereditary disease, who has consumed drugs, or who died in an unexpected way. Events that have marked us, and that originate a spiritual and emotional connection, a conscious or less unconscious fixation with that person.

Not everything bad that happens to us is related to the past, but much of what happens to us is related to not having cancelled that identification. In many families, for example, the pattern of complaint, pain or depression is a constant, it is repeated in each of the members of the clan.

However, as free human beings that we are, because that is how we were born, to decide and choose our life and to act upon it, we can cancel the loyalties of the past by speaking and determining what we want to happen to us in our life.

Resentment is an invisible loyalty to the person who hurt you. There are people who say "All manipulators stick to me", and this is because they have made a loyalty to a past abuser and have not yet cut it, and as long as this bond is not cut it will continue to repeat itself, because the same person is the one who seeks to repeat it.

If there is hatred in your heart, you will reproduce it in you because you worked loyalty with your enemy through the phrase: "It is not fair what he did to me".

Free your heart from all resentment.

Many people, for lack of forgiveness, for holding grudges, developed cancers, and serious illnesses.

Don't hold on to things from the past without closure. Break any love pact made with a person who died, as this is an invisible loyalty. Cancel whatever is in your heart: bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness.

Our loyalty should be to the word that gives us life, that fills us with dreams, goals, projects, not to people. The person who cuts his loyalties and puts his faith in his Creator will always walk in pursuit of his dreams. Identify what you know is unresolved and set it free. Many people hold each other to their group through fear and threats. They tell them, "If you leave my group you will get that disease back", only we are your true family.

Release through your words the bad that happened to your ancestors, live free of fear, forgive those who hurt you, cancel all loyalty consciously or unconsciously. Say those words that were left unsaid, that did not come from your heart. In this way you will get everything old cancelled, and nothing bad will be repeated.

A healthy faith challenges you to reveal yourself to your destiny, reveal yourself and break with those bad and unhealthy projections.

A healthy faith reminds you that through your veins runs the blood of a champion.

A healthy faith allows you to see that the projection of another does not belong to you, it is yours to make your own life.

Dream, prepare yourself, grow, transform the bad into a blessing. And always project yourself towards the best.

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