Splinterlands Art Contest! // Week 183//

in GEMS3 years ago

Greetings to all Hive friends! In this opportunity I show you my most recent elaboration... for many a phobia that causes them nightmares, for others a beautiful creature worthy of contemplation... I hope you like it🎨


Step by Step

To begin with I only used a light pencil (HB pencil) to make the sketch of the drawing, I drew lines visible enough to later go over them with a drawing pen

I drew the lines that I already had in pencil, I used a drawing pen to mark the lines and add some shadows in the drawing (at first I thought to make the drawing in black and white using the pen... that's why I was doing very detailed the shadows with the pen)
Once all the labeling is done, remove the pencil lines with an eraser, leaving only the base lines to do the coloring in the drawing.
Finally, use the red color for the body of the snake, and for the parts where there are shadows, use a dark brown color.
For the lower part of the snake, use a terracotta and dark brown color


I hope you liked it✌️

Do not forget to leave your comments about what you thought of my work It would help me a lot and I would love to hear your opinions.🎨✌️


Thanks for sharing! - castleberry#6859