As human beings we were NOT meant to stay inside confined areas for any length of time. When I get antsy sitting in my house in isolation ,I simply walk out the back door to our back yard. And just sit among Nature and Trees.
This unique tree is situated closest to the cabana I sit under. It has one root from the ground but as you can see splits up into two parts making it seem like two trees.
These array of trees are located on the other side of the fence ( in my neighbor's yard). Their branches stretch out to my property. They house a whole lot of birds that I listen to and watch intently upon.
I love the trunk of this tree. It's almost completely white. So pretty !!
This Treee ( in the corner of my yard) has such dense branches you cannot see the trunk. My girls love to climb it during fall when the leaves have falling off and they can see the whole tree.
This is a type of Live Oak tree. Very common in Texas and has a beautifully intricate trunk and branches. It is in my neighbor's yard but droops over into mine.
I love my backyard...
Even though it is small, it has an ecosystem composed of millions ( if not billions) of micro organisms as well as birds, squirrels, chipmunks and yes even a skunk ( who makes his part time home under our crawl space).
When I go to the back yard, it really does renew my spirit and soul. Just being one with nature is so special to me and I do NOT take it for granted :)
Nice backyard.. looks like a great smoking spot
Thanks Dave. It probably would make a real good smoking spot :)
I wish I could be spending some time on my deck looking at the woods. It has been much too cold up here in Michigan though. My wife and I have been getting out about once a day to take a walk and that is all we can handle. I wish it would warm up a bit. That might make this social distancing thing easier to handle.
Well at least your Summers are not 105 degrees with 100% humidity like down here so it balances out :)
We get there occasionally, thankfully it is more the exception than the norm :)
This pandemic has opened our eyes to many things all over the world that before were closed
So true @pepeye
Nice backyard and no wonder you like to spend your time out there. One good thing that happened which I was reading in an article this week was the global pollution has decreased to less than 30% in the last few days. A good sign in that way. But yeah, let's hope we find the antidote ASAP.
Stay well, my friend.
You do the same, buddy
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