How much hubris does one need to have to believe that one is present "at the end of days"? There have predictions of the end since the end was even considered. 1984, 1988, 2000...Hale-Bopp...people love to believe that they are "special" - in this case, that they will be the ones, after hundreds of centuries, to be the "final" generation.
Well, guess what kids. In that same Book of Revelation that Jeff (and the other end-sayers) like to quote, it is quite clear that the "end of days" will last for decades and even centuries and definitely through many generations. Maybe this is the beginning. Maybe it began centuries ago. But if you thi nk that you are "special" enough to see the "final confrontation", or to see the return of the Messiah (which even if you do see, you may not recognise it, as predicted in the Bible), you're very likely just deluding yourselves with visions of grandeur. The best way to see the Messiah is to live by the two commandments that will get you to heaven: belief in Jesus as the Son of God and the Golden Rule. Everything else is just hubris. Get over yourself. Jeff agrees with the Bible in that Earth is not the final destination. What happens to it is beyond our concern. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. He created us and He'll be here at the end. You will likely not be here at the end. So stop worrying about it.