
Hello! This was one of the nicest things I have read in here. Appreciation for what I have become due to my experience. Thank you so much, I must tell you it has been such a rollercoaster! I am amazed myself of how much I have grown on a personal level. You know, while I was taking a walk in the woods just yesterday I thought about this: how the journey was actually the most important thing of them all, particularly what I have become. I can see now with so much clarity than even the worst thing happened for my own good, a detail which was impossible for me to see under the heat of the moment. I am 31 but I feel like I am just starting my life now, if this could make any sense to you, because of the way I think now. My mind works differently because I choose to look at life from a bigger perspective. I now begin to grasp the idea that we are more than our body, our material possesions and our achievements. We are what we become and we are our impact on others. So in the end, what we acquire or not is just a consequence of how we think. Amazing right? I will continue to work on myself, it is definetely the most important thing a human being can do on this Planet: work on yourself and then your inner work will work for others. Thank you for reading me and hugs!