Minimalist artistic makeup fairy dagger

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)
Authored by @Raineth0224

Minimalist artistic makeup fairy dagger


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Espero se encuentren súper bien, yo me encuentro un poco contenta de traerles un nuevo maquillaje, es bastante minimalista, pero logra el efecto que quise capturar, utilice como protagonista dos colores, el rojo y el blanco, esto me gusto mucho porque lo hace diferente a lo que estoy acostumbrada y al mismo tiempo va con el estilo de maquillaje que me gusta hacer, a continuación te muestro el proceso para elaborar esta daga de hada.


I hope you are super well, I am a little happy to bring you a new makeup, it is quite minimalist, but it achieves the effect I wanted to capture, I used as protagonist two colors, red and white, I really liked this because it makes it different from what I'm used to and at the same time it goes with the style of makeup that I like to do, then I show you the process to develop this fairy dagger.


🔴 Primer paso: antes de iniciar limpie muy bien mi rostro y lo hidraté luego pase a perfilar mis cejas, aplicar corrector y la base, esta la selle con polvo compacto, en mis parpados agregue una sombra nude muy ligera y bien difuminada, ya que no quería agregar ningún color a los mismos. | 🔘 First step: before starting, I cleaned my face very well and moisturized it, then I outlined my eyebrows, applied concealer and foundation, I sealed it with pressed powder, on my eyelids I added a very light and well blurred nude shadow, since I didn't want to add any color to them.

🔴 Segundo paso: completamente a mano alzada y si líneas guías empece a pintar poco a poco la mariposa hasta completar una forma que me gustara, no quedo perfecta, pero funciona, luego tome el color rojo y pinte la daga, para finalizar aplique pestañas y un poco de bálsamo labial. | 🔘 Second step: completely freehand and without guide lines I started to paint little by little the butterfly until I completed a shape that I liked, it was not perfect, but it works, then I took the red color and painted the dagger, to finish I applied eyelashes and a little lip balm.


Para realizar este maquillaje utilicé: base, colector, bálsamo labial, sombra, polvo, pintura, pestañas postizas y pinceles.

To do this makeup I used: foundation, concealer, lip balm, shadow, powder, paint, false eyelashes and brushes.

resultado final.gif




















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Great job and idea for the Halloween which is right around the next corner 🙂

hehe that's right, it would work great for halloween. Thanks

Hermoso y misterioso.

You are really doing well, you did it very neatly without support of anyone. And they looks good one you also

Thank you very much