in GEMS4 years ago

DP 2.jpg

My Name is Rachel Wayne I'm a full-time writer based in Orlando, Florida, and I specialize in reported essays, film criticism, and creative advice articles. I regularly publish on Medium, where I'm a Top Writer in Culture, Humor, and Feminism.

Everything I do is a fusion of the arts and social sciences. I use art to inspire social change, express new ideas, and connect people. I study communities and their ideas to create ar
I am a professional artist and communicator based in Orlando, Florida.

I earned a BA in Anthropology and a BFA in Theatre Arts from Valdosta State University in Georgia, USA, then graduated from the Univerity of Florida with an interdisciplinary Master's in Visual Anthropology and Film Studies.

I am a theatre and applied arts producer, and I am the Creative Director of DreamQuilt LLC, the alternative theatre company that I founded, and its non-profit project ARTifacts, which aims to expand and enhance arts education with the power of the social sciences and to use arts to address social issues.

I am an award-winning author of anthropological papers, and I have had my dramatic work produced by playhouses and my mixed media art shown at galleries.

I am a lifelong performer: a vocalist, performance artist, puppeteer neo-vaudevillian, and aerialist.


Here are the topics I cover most often:

  1. Film, entertainment, and media
  2. The psychology of society
  3. Geek culture
  4. Women's issues
  5. Productivity and entrepreneurship
  6. Food, health, and fitness

I just got to know about this place lately ! So I am still trying to check out how it works.

Do check out my stories
My medium page



#gems #creative #creativecoin


Welcome to the blockchain, it's great to see one of my fav subjects in your list, but from the eating side of it. :-)

Understanding how this works can be a daunting, I hope it doesn't take to long to learn. Thanks for the introduction.

I hope I catch up soon enough and I hope you enjoy the things I write about your favorite subjects.

Welcome to HIVE community dear, greetings from Venezuela.

Thanks a lot for the warm welcome!!

Welcome to the blockchain, have you been here before? You seem to be using tags only people who have been around a while use.

I just joined and I have been studying how people use the platform and picking of the tags they used ....Thanks for the warm welcome...And please I need help , I can't update my display images, I tried a couple of times and it didn't work, maybe I am doing something wrong , can you help?

Wow! I wish more people learned how to use the platform in their early days, that's how it should be done Kudos to you. 😎

Did you get any answer to the profile picture quandary?

Sadly you have encountered (in this dude) the biggest technophobe in the community. I will ask the question of some people more equipped to answer. In the meantime, I have a vague recollection that you need to login to your wallet to make any profile changes... Maybe that makes sense, maybe I am rambling on as ever 🙂

I will get back to you on this shortly.

I came across a ridiculously old post that was designed to help with just this issue, I will post it beneath this comment. In the intro it said something and I began to remember some issues I had... The photo you choose must be hosted somewhere other than your device.

If I am talking rubbish I am certain a grown up or somebody capable will come along and correct the mis/dis info I am giving you haha. Check out this post though and see if it helps...

If it doesn't help. Reach out and I will see if I have had a response from the people I submitted your query too that explains it better.

OH wow.. Thank you so much for this ! It will help a lot

If it is outdated or doesn't help, let me know and we can try again 😎

Hey, Rachel 🙂 I would love to take this opportunity to wish you well on your journey and welcome you to the community.

You have the most incredibly interesting bio ((Can I go any further without mentioning neo-vaudevillian???)) What an amazingly diverse range of skills, interests and passions. How on earth you even have the time to share your content here is a complete mystery but I imagine you are a pro when it comes to time-management ((or wingin' it in the most magnificent fashion 😁))

My prediction after reading your intrductory post is that you are gonna breeze through this community spreading awesomeness like a minty fresh breath of fresh air. ((And the occasional flourish of neo-vaudevillian flair. Either way I am absolutely certain you will be a complete asset to our community.

Maybe that BA in Anthropology may even lead you to understand those human creatures you come across n a better way than most!

I am immensely excited to cross paths with you many, many times as you move forward as I am certain there will be much to learn from your evolution here.

Wishing all the very best to you and yours from me and mine. Have an awesome week and the most spectacular journey imaginable 😎

P.S - I have an utterly anonymous sounding name so you will likely forget it... Just remember me as the verbose English dude who never... I mean never shuts up!!! 😎 Enjoy the adventure my friend!