What to eat and not to eat after a workout?

in GEMS5 years ago

Yesterday I was asked by @punkblogs about what to eat after a workout and the ones to avoid.

I am not a healthy guru nor a fitness advisor, and to be honest, I consider myself on a low level of knowledge about nutrition and fitness compared to those people who studied it for decades and probably ones that dedicated their whole lives doing research about health and fitness.

However, I would humbly say, I do have a little biological understanding of the anatomy based on my own research and my fitness journey... Giving myself some credits isn't that bad, right? Ahaha!

Alright, let's get to the heart of the matter!

What to eat after your workout and what not to eat?


I believe the simplest answer to this to consume food that has nutritious calories but not to the extent that you're binge eating every single day, unless you're Hafthor Björnsson and Brian Shaw (the strongest men in the world) who consumes 12,000 calories in a just a day!

We each have different goals, for example, for me, am trying to put on some muscles and look more lean. So, I add extra protein to my meals but also consume carbohydrates. I eat different meals every day sometimes I go on low carb if I know that I didn't burn a lot of calories from my workout,these are days that I go only walks and light swimming or just light house chores. and eat snacks with protein.

What not to eat?
I don't know about you but I eat anything!


I eat cookies, ice cream, cakes, anything sweets. I don't restrict myself in what to eat. I just can't ditch the sweets but I make sure I train insane wether that day or the next day to burn those extra calories from my treats and stay active as much as I can.

I believe calories are not everything unless you're trying lose weight and you're going on a deficit diet,but in my own opinion,restricting too much of what you eat or of everything isn't sustainable.

Just like when I try to make these keto recipes, I honestly can't stay on that lifestyle consistently. I do make those if I have cravings and I know that I have already been eating too much carbs that's when I make my keto smoothies or cookies.

There are tones of different diets out there and I would suggest not to stick to a diet but rather changing your lifestyle if you want a long term result. You have to experiment with what works for you.

There's no quick fix because if there is, everyone have packs or we'll all be walking with bubble butts by now and then what? Life would be boring!

What am trying to say is that, it takes time to see your progress, you just have to be patient with the result and also know what you're goal is and try to set a realistic goal.


I hope I was able to explain what I was trying to discuss in this blog and if you want to share your thoughts about this topic please feel free to leave it in the comment box.

Quick question... What is your approach to healthy eating?


Wow, i am impressed with you mascular body.... You just take more fluids base food after work out. You can everything but in alimit, as you burn your calories as well as build up muscles. Eat with a plan, exact same day, same time and same amount with a limit!

Wah thanks for your help in knowing the basics of what to do to gain or lose weight. I have to proper research about it. Thanks dr

Haha! You're welcome, sir! Happy to help hehe

I should probably consider taking up some online PT course 😂

Wow check out that gun. You are right it's up to the individual on what diet you want according to what you are trying to do. I think it is ok to eat pretty much anything in moderation.