Are you close minded with what effective workouts you can do at home?

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

Where I live, the gyms are still closed and we don't even know when they will reopen it. So a lot of us has been close minded with what workouts we can do at home or if you have an outdoor space.

While buying your own fitness equipment is a good investment for your fitness goals,however it is not necessary if you think that it is not your financial priority especially during this hard times where most people are not doing well with financial situation.

So, instead of buying dumbbells or other kinds of weight, just being creative and body weight exercises can be perform at home.

It can be challenging to push yourself to workout at home especially when you're used to using the machines at your gym and you had set your self a routine every time you got to the gym but don't be discouraged rather be positive, and try to stay consistent with your goal.

I've seen people online that started being creative with their workouts. One day I was browsing on pinterest (since I don't use other social apps like bf or Instagram) and this person was doing a tiktok or should I say using the tiktok app, am not quite sure because I haven't used that app. Anyways, so this guy was lifting his dog behind his back while doing squats, haha (not sure what's breed but it was almost as hug as him).

I thought I found it hilarious, not the guy but the dog's expression was he looked like was having more fun that the guy that was doing squat.

I am not saying grab a dog and start squatting because if you don't have one, you better picked a stray dog which I don't think is a good idea. 😅

Mind you that bodyweight workout alone if you train smart, that's all you need to get a awesome workout, try doing HIIT with bodyweight only. There will be times that you would need to be creative like doing dips, grab a sturdy chair to perform the workout, things like that. There are also good fitness workout program online for free that you can follow, there's just a massive of option for you to do even at own home.

Also, writing a structure or workout plan of what you want to workout for that day is a smart thing to do. This will not only help set you up for that day but also stop you from procrastinating because you already a plan for that day.


I try to workout out at least four times a week, mixing my workout days either weight lifting and cardio or sometimes both if I want yo do a quick workout almost like a tabata or a high-intensity interval workout.

HIIT workout will be best for you if you're looking for a quick workout. It's performed in a short period of time. You can even modify, depends on how many minutes you want to do your workout just make sure to take a break not more than 10 seconds and literally 10 seconds is like you getting up from your mat after you did your plank!

Also trying some new workouts online that will help you motivate to perform it while at home or at outdoor space.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop being lazy and get that ass up!


Ya, keep enjoying fitness at home is may irregular but its good kind of thought. If you try some dancing like indian with hip hop then sure you'll perform well and i think better, you may try it... ☺️😊👯‍♂️

Haha I actually dance to Indian music sometimes 🤗

Let dance again and upload to check how good you are...... 😜

Gyms are open here now but very little and the sports fields are slowly starting to open up here and there but people are still apprehensive, I've been running now and then even though its winter!

I have been a little lazy ill admit, the first few months of lock down I was super motivated but I was only doing weight training and then once I started doing cardio i found it hard to balance again and maintain the intensity lol always a struggle

I like the yoga capris you are wearing - I venture to say that they are not store bought, but the design of an artist at a POD site. Like mine here: YOGA CAPRIS.