My Likes, Dislikes and Wishes. (Life is Good)

in GEMS4 years ago


Hey hivers!

It’s been awhile posting here. Today I will talk about a few things about myself.
We all have goals, likes and dislikes as humans. This is because of feelings and taste. What I may love may be what you hate the most. Different people have a different view of things. But the only thing to do that matters is that you shouldn’t allow your dislikes to disrupt someone’s likes.
However, getting to the point. I am about to express my likes, dislikes and wishes.


Making Friends


Meeting new people and making friends is one thing that I love doing. As the saying goes, no man is an island of his own. And I believe meeting new people increases one’s understanding about people. Meeting new people can be interesting because you get to meet new people of different characters and mindset and you pick up the good characters and dump the bad ones or help them to get rid of it.

Friendship helps a lot. Many people have gotten the best of life through their friend’s supports. For instance, Bill gates started Microsoft with his best friend Paul Allen. Jack ma started Ali Baba with 16 of his friends, and Larry Page started Google with his best friend Sergey brin and others.
In this situation, their friends have been of help to them. But there are also cases whereby friends drain people instead of helping them and this is as a result of bad friends and influence. So it is advisable to be selective while choosing friends and go for the supportive, brainy and nice ones that have something positive to offer.



Music is an art that I love the most. I believe that life is dull without music. Music brings alive joy, satisfaction and inspiration. But it depends on the music though. There are some songs that the only thing that attracts you to the songs is the beat and most times their lyrics are not that cool. Those are the kind of songs that are common in the part of the world that I am now. Not all the songs are like that though, some songs have cool lyrics too.
I love gospel, hip-hop and blues. I don’t have a particular artist that I love the most because I love nice songs in general.

Music is just the best in the world. Imagine a world without music. It would be so boring and weird. I don’t know if there would be any cool human that doesn’t like music, (just saying though).


Love is what keeps us together. If there is no love there is no peace and there is no hope. I believe that we are not applying that value and it is causing a lot of issues. The act of racism going on in the US is as a result of lack of love. People are meant to understand that love is related to what they call trade by batter. Don’t expect love in return when you don’t love me. We must learn how to understand each other to avoid disagreement and misunderstanding.

We are all humans with the same blood running through our bones. We have feelings. That is why it is hard for me to understand why some people would hate each other to the extent of hurting people without a second thought. I advise that let love lead and we would all enjoy its benefits.


Everybody deserved to be respected no matter how rich, poor or how handicapped that person is. Respect is reciprocal and you wouldn’t want to be disrespected by anybody so give the best respect you can to someone. This is one value I love the most.



There are something’s that I hate but the one I hate the most is PRIDE. I don’t know why someone would feel too special than any other person which they would become so arrogant and annoying. Pride goes before the fall. So I don’t see any reason someone would be too full of himself, maybe because they are in a bigger position of authority than the other. That doesn’t mean that they other won’t also rise and become useful one day. No one knows tomorrow.

DISCRIMINATION is another bad aspect of life that is visible in most of the world today, both gender discrimination and otherwise. I talked about love earlier, but this love can’t happen with discrimination in place. Now, the some people are practicing racism on the other, forgetting that this same group of people have been there for them one time or the other. But it is pure discrimination because I don’t see why a man on color would commit a crime whether intentional or not and get punished with immediate effect but when the same case goes for the other, it would be overlooked or maneuvered. Like the case of George Floyd, an obvious example.

The world has been suffering from some bad and unpleasant happenings. I hate PRETENDERS so much. People that pose to love you but hate you so much. If you hate me, tell me. Maybe I could adapt to your taste or if I can’t adapt, that means we are not meant to like each other. So take me the way I am.



I would love to achieve my goals of becoming a digital forensic scientist. And many other goals by visiting some places and impacting my world positively.

I also wish that the world become a better place with less or no trouble. I wish to be happy and have a fun-filled and fulfilled life, more like living my life to the fullest. And one day find a true love that I would live the rest of my life with.

These are the review of my perception of some life attributes. Thanks for reading guys. Love ya!

