Don't let some idiots talk you out of your dreams. Apply Consistency

in GEMS4 years ago

Have you ever thought the particular thing that you want to do is not working or you’ve tried many times to achieve a goal, and it always doesn’t work out?

There are many innovators in the world presently and when you research on them, you’ll say I like this person and you may choose to make the person your mentor or role model.

Have you ever asked yourself if you could be like someone, role model? Many people in the world have made names because of the impact that they have made in the present world. And sometimes, you ask yourself, how can I be like this person? Yes, but how?

What do you know how to well? Figure it out and add the right spirit to achieve it.

The only key I think helps in achieving greater heights is consistency. I define consistency as the willingness to pursue continuous one's goal till it is achieved.

Consistency keeps us going in anything we do. There are substantial things that we are supposed to achieve, but when we are on the way to the top certain things drags us down or delays us.

Some of those things are...


Failure is one part of consistency saga. There are times we fail in different areas as a result of ignorance, lack of experience and so on. But the truth is, some people are scared of failing so they don’t try at all. Each time they discover a flaw in what they are pursuing, they ignore and let off it. But that is not the best approach to success. Before we achieve anything we must fail or make mistakes, but that is not the end of the road; just the beginning. The amazing fact about failure is that if a person fails, they learn new things and discover their mistakes and work on them. That is the spirit, but if someone is scared of failure, then that person is also scared of success and that kills consistency.


In life, we face many obstacles in achieving our goals like capital, emotions and personal embargoes. But thriving through all these is as a result of consistency. When you find yourself in discouraging situations around the achievement of your goals. You don’t just turn back and say I have gotten too much to keep stressing myself, but you persevere and find out that with a little force exerted on that obstacle would pave a way for you.


In the world we are today there are many distractions from friends, family, personal life, relationships and the world at large, but we could get through all these by focus. When you have a set-out goal to achieve. You have to identify the irrelevant things that may distract you and tackle them by giving no attention to them. This can be done by setting your mind on your goals, being consistent with your focus by continuously working to achieve that goal and being inconsiderate about the other useless things. Follow One Course Until Success(FOCUS).


There are always people to discourage you in your pursuit to achieve your goal. They are people you share your dreams with. Most times your friends and close ones are the best in that aspect. They always say I know you too well even more than you know yourself and you can’t do this trust me. And the next thing that kills your zeal is when you say they are right. But you own your life and you are responsible for anything that goes on in your life. The best thing to do is to believe in yourselves and not in what others think about you. You should know what you want to achieve and pursue your best and in the end, they say you did it!. I trust you. That’s what happens when you are consistent and you believe in yourself that you can do anything.

Strength and weakness

As humans, we all have our strength and our weaknesses. Knowing them is the first step. Make use of your strength to achieve your goals and work on your weaknesses. Don’t let your weakness pull you down, but use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses.
There are many more attributes in life consistency overrules all. Be focused, consistent, and pursue your goals. Get started!

Thanks for reading guys, stay safe and have a good life.

Images from Pixa




Challenges and troubles are part of life and we should embrace them. Pay no mind to naysayers and ignore whatever people have to say, just stay focused and consistent. Keep working on your goals

naysayers are every where being able to deal with them is just by ignoring them. thanks for your thoughts

Well said.
A wise man once said I don't stop when I am tired, I stop when I'm done.

Thanks for your time.

thank you!